“I love you, do you know that?” he asked, catching me by surprise.  My heart melted in my chest.  How could anyone ask for a better boyfriend? He was everything a girl could ask for.  But I just wasn’t ready for love.  I mean, any normal sixteen-year-old girl would say, “I love you too” without any meaning behind it.  I didn’t want to be one of those girls.  I wanted to really mean it when I said it to someone, and I didn’t feel love quite yet.

“Yeah, I know,” I responded weakly.  I could see the disappointment flash in his eyes and I couldn’t help but feel terrible.  I pecked him on the lips and gave him a tight smile. 

I floated through all of my classes pretending that I was actually listening and absorbing the information my teachers were spitting out at us.  In reality, I was doodling in my notebooks and letting my thoughts drift.  I tried to avoid eye contact with all of the teachers because everyone knows that if they ask a question and you make eye contact, you’re going to be asked to answer, even if you have no idea what’s going on.

When lunch-time arrived, I met Amanda in front of the cafeteria. 

“How was the Chemistry test?” I asked, hoping I would like the answer. 

“What do you think? It’s Chemistry.” She had a point there.  Chemistry was a subject that almost everyone struggled with.

“I’m so screwed,” I whined. 

“Maybe some pizza will make you feel better.  Chad can buy it for us,” Amanda suggested. 

“What makes you think he’ll get us pizza?”

“I know his account code,” she answered, winking at me.  At our school, each student had a four-digit code so they could purchase something, even if they didn’t have money with them.  Amanda had one; she just didn’t like to waste her money.

“You’re horrible,” I said, elbowing her in the ribs.

“Do you want the pizza, or not?” I nodded vigorously. 

After we’d purchased our meals, we made our way to our usual seats.  We’ve been sitting in these seats since sixth grade. Our spot was in the middle of the cafeteria, so we could see anything and everything that happened.  If two girls got into a cat-fight, we’d see it.  If a boy and a girl had a very loud, obnoxious break-up, we’d see it.  Unfortunately, this also meant that everyone could see what we did, too.

“Are you wearing yellow because you know it’s my favorite color?” he whispered into my ear, causing me to shiver.  I let out a slow breath, trying to calm myself. 

“I thought I told you to leave me alone,” I said slowly.

“You of all people should know that I’ve always had problems with instructions,” Hunter responded cleverly. 

“Who the hell are you talking to,” Amanda yelled.  She turned around a made eye contact with Hunter.  Her mouth opened and closed but no words came out.  He held her gaze until she finally whispered, “Holy crap.” 

“Nice to see you again Amanda,” Hunter responded bitterly.  He and Amanda had never gotten along.  She hated him, he hated her and it was a fact known to most everyone in the school.  Nobody knew why it was always so tense around him or her; it just was and no one ever thought to question it.  That was just how things went. 

Recognition flashed through Amanda’s eyes as she realized who was standing before her.  Hunter winked in response to her ogling over him.  She must have realized that her mouth was still agape, because she clamped it shut and ground her teeth.

“Who told you to speak to me, peasant?” Amanda retaliated.  It was always funny the way she insulted people.  Hunter wasn’t even pour, and yet he was still a peasant to her.  

“Bitch I am the king.  Now go make me a sandwich.” I couldn’t believe my ears.  This kid comes back after two years without a word and he’s completely different.  He used to be quiet and unspoken and now he’s making sexist jokes.  I didn’t even think he knew any jokes.

Even though the comment didn’t affect me too severely, I could see the fury written all over Amanda’s face.  Her cheeks had flushed and the vein on her forehead was becoming more pronounced by the second, and the throbbing was really starting to freak me out.  She raised her shaking hands, and I thought she might scratch his eyeballs out. 

“Whoa I don’t know what’s going on, and by the look on Amanda’s face, I don’t think I want to know.  But I’ll take a wild guess and say that these girls want you to leave,” Chad finished, pointing at Hunter.  Finally, something happened just when I needed it to because God knows that could’ve gotten really ugly really fast. 

Hunter held up his hands in surrender and said, “Ok, I’m going.  Just thought I’d drop by and tell Zoey how excited I am to be back.” He flashed Chad a look that sent shivers down my spine, and then he was out of sight but certainly not out of mind. 

“Who the hell was that?” Chad asked, worry etched all over his face.

“Someone you don’t need to worry about,” I stated.  And it was true.  Hunter was in the past.  What we had was over, and I wasn’t about to end my relationship with Chad just because he had returned.  There were no feelings left for him.

I hoped.   


HI GUYS!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chaper because I enjoyed writing it.  Sorry it's taken so long for an upload! I've just been so busy because it's SUMMER TIME!! But starting this week I'll be on vacation for two weeks so I thought I'd leave you guys with another chapter. 

So let's get this stuff started, shall we? TEAM CHAD OR TEAM HUNTER! Leave your comments below! You don't even have to comment about the story; ask me about the weather or something lol :) I love you guys so much <3





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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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