"You're alive now?!" Lissie tackles me in another hug. She and Mickey smile brightly and let out shrieks of joy. Although I had a lot on my mind, I smile with them. It felt so good not to hide anymore.

     "Yeah, I am." I beam and wrap my arms tightly around them.

     They calm down a few minutes later and we just sit there smiling at each other. But then I remember why I came and my smile fades. I feel my face tense up, my eyes narrow, and I know I'm turning red from anger. Anger I've been holding in for months. Anger at myself for playing dead, and anger at Hook for causing all of this.

     They notice my mood change. "What is it, Peter?" Mickey asks looking around. They both tense up and go completely silent. Their heads snap in every direction, looking for something that could've made me go so cold.

     "We're attacking the Jolly Rodger." I say firmly.

     They both breathe a sigh of relief that there's no immediate threat, but then they sit still, letting what I said sink in. Suddenly their faces brighten up with fierce determination.

     "What can we do?" Lissie says leaning closer to me.

     "Well, we want to get to the ship unnoticed." I begin.

    "Uh huh...." Lissie nods for me to continue.

     "And we figure the best way is underwater--"


     I turn my head and Mickey is gone. I look back at Lissie and she looks as confused as I am. Two minutes later Mickey emerges with a handful of the sea weed we need and a knowing grin on her face.

     I grin back at her and stand up. "We're going to need a lot of that."

    "How much are we saying here?" Lissie slides back into the water next to Mickey.

     "Enough for the every warrior, Jaz, Zee, Aanadi and I to last from here," I point to the ground next to me. "To there." I point to the ship.

     "Consider it done. But it's going to take a while to gather that much." Lissies says as they begin swimming backwards.

     "This isn't going to happen overnight, but can it be done in two weeks?" I ask hopefully as I glare in the direction of the ship.

     "That should be just enough time. We'll see you then." Lissie dives under water.

     "Thanks guys." I smile and wave over my shoulder at Mickey before taking flight once again. I don't look back as I head for the Hideout.

     "Peter's back!" Bug and Ollie call out as I land in the living room. The Boys rush out of their room and crowd around me. They all talk at once, and it's hard to understand any of them, but I can tell that every single question is about Addie.

     I sigh and hold up my hand and they all stop talking at once.

      "Addie's gone Boys." I say sadly.

     Their mouths open, but none of them say anything. They look completely defeated, as if the entire world had just crashed on top of them. You could hear a pin drop from how quiet it was.

     I sit in my chair and lean forward, one hand on my head and the other just sitting on my knee. The Boys shuffle forward and sit in front of me, waiting for me to say something.

     "We will see her again, men." I look up at them. "Don't worry."

     They smile sadly and nod in agreement. Dill walks up to me and reaches up. I pick him up and swing him onto my lap. He wraps his little arms around my waist, laying his head on my stomach. I clutch onto him and lay my head on top of his. I glance up at the rest of the Boys and hold out one of my arms. Teary-eyed but still smiling bravely, the Boys crowd around me. We sit there in our family group hug for a few minutes in silence.

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