✴Chapter 2✴

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As I walked into the building I saw more than 20 women dressed more professional than me but sluttier than what I was wearing. "Hi are you here for the opening?" A girl with red hair and a blue button up dress asks from behind the front desk. "Um yeah. I'm Artemis." I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She smiled before shaking it. "I'm Lydia Argent. And you're the first one on the list. He prefers doing interviews in alphabetic order." She whispered the last part to me with a smile. "Just go down this hall and take a left. Walk all the way down to the red door that's his office." she told me as I thanked her and began walking. "Well... Well... Well... hey there Artemis." I knew that voice and I didn't like it. I turned around to see Jeremy smirking at me. "Gross." I snarled at him before entering Mr. Tomlinson's office. "Take a seat anywhere will do." He said as he turned around and smirked. "Well hello there klutz. See you took my advice and applied." he said as he sat across from me. "Well I'm only gonna ask one question and that's it before I look at your resume." he told me with a cocky smirk on his lips. "If we were to date would you just use me for sex or get to know me?" he asked as my cheeks flushed. "I'd get to know you better first." I told him as I handed him my resume. He looked at me and smirked. "Well I must say a girl graduating from Harvard is incredible so I'll give you a shot." he said as he handed the resume back to me. "Welcome to Tomlinson Publishing. I also want to take you out to dinner tonight to know you better." he told me as he dialed a number and Lydia was here in a second. "All gone?" He asked as she smiled and saluted to him. "All gone sir. Mr. Golca is waiting for you with the car." she said as we all walked out of his office to the front lobby. "Bye Artemis." Lydia said excitedly as I smiled at her. I looked at the time. "Um.. Mr Tomlinson I am so sorry but can I take a rain check on this dinner I have to pick up my parents at the airport in 5 minutes." I told him as I panicked. "Fine whatever. Tell Golca where to take you. Not like I wanted to see how desperate you needed this job." he said rudely as he walked back into the building. "Um... okay then." I mumbled. That hurt. I texted my parents the address of my apartment as I raced after Mr. Tomlinson. "Thought you had something important to do." he snarled as we both entered his office. "I did but then I thought about it. Plus it would be rude if I di-" I can't speak as he pulls my face closer to his. He kissed me as I savor the feeling of his lips on mine. He guided my hands to his neck as he placed his hands on my waist. First he's a rude inconsiderate asshole that I met while jogging to my new boss who is kissing me. "You know that this will be extremely difficult right?" he told me as I just stared at him. I was in the middle of a war between my heart and my brain. Instead of just replying to him I just pulled him closer. "You know. I don't mean to offend you but I think you're bipolar. You went from the jerk I met in the park to this absolute sweetheart of a boss." I told him as he smirks. He kissed me again before we pulled apart. "I am warning you if you want to leave I'd do it now. I apparently get really confusing." he told me as we walked out of his office. Oh no Jeremy's out in the hallway. "Well hello there my beautiful goddess." Jeremy said winking at me and ignoring Louis' glares. "Jeremy. Do you have the newest stories read over and edited yet?" Louis growled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Oh um...not yet sir." Jeremy squeaked as he ran away and Louis smirked in satisfaction. He grabbed my wrist and we walked to Golca's car where he was patiently waiting. "Mr. Tomlinson...Ms. Belinsky where to." Golca asked as we climbed into the car. "What would you like to eat?" Mr. Tomlinson asked as I thought about it. "Surprise me Mr. Golca." I told him as he nodded. Mr. Tomlinson seemed to be looking at me and I was doing the same as him. We kinda were just watching each other as the driver attempted to surprise me. "So favorite sports team?" he asked me as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Do I look like a girl that watches sports?" I sassed him as he nodded. "Well your right. I watch every Rover game." I told him as he smiles. I felt incredibly proud of myself for some reason. "You're a good player you know." I muttered as he looked at me wide eyed. I blushed as Mr. Golca pulled up to a place called Fiery Spirits. "Really I only do a couple charity matches. But I love the good vibes the fans give off. Maybe we should play together for fun." He said as he held the door open for me. I nodded to him thinking his offer over. Maybe I should...it is just for fun. "Hi welcome to Fiery Spirits what can I get you?" An extremely attractive woman with makeup caked on her face and her boobs hanging out of her shirt smiled at Louis as he ordered for both of us. The woman glared at me as she walked away. Bitch.. "So I noticed that you graduated from Harvard not too long ago. What's your opinion on the courses?" he asked as I sipped my water. Way to make it awkward. "Well I took everything very seriously and got my work done. My professors said I should take an honors course but I kindly denied. I enjoyed the time I spent there actually but I was dubbed a stupid nickname." I told him as the bitch from before came with our food. "So what was your nickname?" he asked as I picked at my food. "The Ice Queen of Teaseville." I mumbled as he laughed at the nickname. "Why?" he choked out as my face became hot. "Because I didn't have sex with anyone. And I gave people the cold shoulder." I said as he continued to laugh. That's it I'm done. I threw my napkin on the table and stood up. "Thanks for the eventful evening asshole." I told him as I stormed out of the restaurant. I got in the car and asked Mr. Golca to take me home. I've had enough of Mr. Tomlinson for one day. After I got home and told Aphrodite everything the kiss, the dinner everything. "Sounds like you've had an eventful day. But bonus you got a kiss from the hottest guy in England." She told me as I nodded but didn't dare agree with her. "Yeah but he has an ego the size of FUCKING TEXAS TIMES 30!!!!!!!!!!" I argued as we heard knocking on the door. "I got it." I told her as I got up from the couch and walked to the door. I opened the door and there he was...Mr. FUCKING Tomlinson. "...Hey." I glared at him mainly because I didn't want to see him. "What do you want." I snarled as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I wanna apologize. I was kind of an asshole to you and I wanted to make up for it." he told me as Aphrodite came to the door then ran to her room. "Here I got these for you." he told me as he gave me a bouquet of rainbow colored roses. I took them and dragged him inside. "You know you could've asked for me to come in." he smirked as I set the roses down. "I know but this is a little suspicious." I told him as he walks toward me causing me to walk backwards. "The boss and his assistant...great love story." he said as he kisses my lips.

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