in the maze

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A/N: so.... this is my first fanfiction evaaaaa.  don't judge me. enjoy it

Newt's POV

I started remembering things, things that happened before i came here. Before I wokw up in the could, dirty box. Nobody else remebers anything exept they... you know.. met the grivers. I can't talk about it with anyone not even Minho, usally I'm telling him everything, but i can't tell him that i can remember things. What would the others think?

you probably want to know what I can remember. I'll tell you. I can't remember much, but I know that I had siblings and a really nice family, but that's not the important thing. I remeber a boy, he as tall, had brown hair and cute hazel eyes. He was my boyfriend back then. Thomas. When I remember him I feel ggod and happy. There are only happy memories. I have the feeling like I have to see him again. I miss him. I'm dreaming about him everey night. Those memories make me happy but sad at the same time because I probably won't see him ever again. He was perfect to me.....

"Newt! Newt!", someone is screaming my name. I turn around to see Chuck, the greenie,"Alby wants to see you, you know because the box is coming in any moment. he's waiting at the box and....". Chuck was interupt by a loud noise. The box is coming again! like always at the second day of the month, onr hour after lunch. I hurriy over to the box where most of the glader already waited. when I arrive, the box opens at the same moment. "He isn't moving!", Alby screames and jumpes into the box at the same time. I just stay in a row between Chuck and Frypans. Alby just wants me to show thw greenies around, so i don't have to do anything right now, I can just wait. I could also leave and dream about Thomas again. no, i should stay right here and wait for an asignment, so I'll maybe stop thinking about Thomas for some hours. I won't see him ever again! suddenly I feel Chuck tapping at my sholder. I look at him he looks confused and scared... "newt!", I hear a familiar voice say, at first I wasn't sure who it was, but then I realize.... It was Thomas, my Tommy. That couldn't be true. I hurry to the box and see how my  Tommy raises his hand screams:"Newt!" and falls back in Albys arm who is screaming for the doctors. Everyone lookes at me confused, scared or even angry, it isn't a really good move but i whispere:"Tommy".

After everyone left to work, Minho and Alby grab my shirt and ask " What was that? Do you know that guy? can you remember something?". I have to tell them, but how should i explain it. "he...he..", I try, but it's difficult,"he was my boyfriend..?", I guess that sounded more like a question. I explain them everything and thy seem really calm, i wonder why. "Minho started to remember things, too, I think sice last week, maybe our memories are coming back. I don't know."


Tommy arrived 3 days ago and the doctores said I could see him today. He woke up in the morning and asked for me, they said. I'm bloody nervous right now. How much does he remember? Does he still love me as much as I do as much as he did before I left. It's been 2 years. I slowly open the door to his room. I step in. Slowly, nervous and happy at the same time. I see him sitting in his bed  and staring out of the window. I clear my throat and he turns around. He smiles. Ohhh, how I missed his smile. he looks so perfect and flawless. "sit down", he say. I sitt down next o him in his bed. "soo..." I start, "how much do you remember?", I ask, a little bit scared. "Not everything, but enogh to know who you are, newt. and I know that I love you still as much as I did 2 years ago and I always will". with thoese words, he leans in and kisses me. It is like a firework. i will never let go off him. in that moment the maze doesn't seem that bad anymore...

A/N: so, that's my fist fanfiction. I know it's not really good, but I'll just keep do uuuuuuuuu think? ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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