Chapter 2

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It was the morning of Hogwarts. Finally! I grabbed my clothes and pulled them on quickly, there wasn't a moment to loose. I hurried and packed my things onto the car for transport and waited for my fathers arrival. I stood up straight, immaculacy dressed for 10 minutes, waiting for him. He swaggered in, grabbing the keys land looking me up and down before grunting for me to get into the car. I followed the order and we flew to the station.

My things where loaded onto the train and I sat down by my self. My father had left and the final people where getting on. It was pretty crowded, I was surprised I managed to be by myself for this long. People walked past the windows, looking for places to sit, but once they saw me, they quickly continued. 

The train dragged itself out of the station and started the long haul back to Hogwarts. I sat, by myself for the journey. Just thinking. What ifs. Maybes.

The door slid open. A boy stood in there looking. I knew who he was from the look of disgust on his face.

"Malfoy. " he spat.

"Potter. " i replied.

We shared a moment of intense starting. We both looked into the eyes of each other, testing to see who would give in first. He stepped forward towards the opposite seat.

"There's no other room. I have to sit here." He murmured angrily. I screwed my face up and looked him up and down. He closed the door behind him before taking the seat farthest away. I stared back out of the window, now thinking about him. Last year he had come out as gay. People praised him, held him high. He was a hero. He was the seeker jock who made women 'swoon' even though they knew they could have him. He was the prize of the school.

I was the enemy. The one who was hated. I was pulled out of intense thought by a hard sigh. I looked over to see Potter staring blankly at a potions book and a sheet of blank paper. He murmured quietly to himself about potions and ingredients. I saw the confusion on his face. He didn't understand this. He looked up suddenly, a spark of hope in his eyes towards me, he began to open his mouth to speak but closed it, blinked a couple of times. Shaking his head slightly, he continued with his work.

The silence was unbearable. The air was so thick I could cut it. I had stopped daydreaming and started listening to his mix-matched thoughts on potions. He was doing the homework but he wasn't at the same time. He was caught between finding his thoughts and writing them down.

"Mmmm.....toad skin?
mixed with.....the thing ?" He sighed. He didn't understand. I could see the fear in his face. He was the perfect student and he couldn't do a single potion. I snickered to myself quietly before resuming the 'window stare' pose. After a a minute or so I glanced back. He had got nowhere and his head was now in his hands. This was painful. Watching him squirm in his own ignorance.

I thought to myself before stuttering "Root. You'll want an ivy root mixed with toad legs to make it". He looked up, astonished. I quickly looked away as to avoid eye contact. I turned back seconds later to see him scribbling down words. He spent a couple of minutes hastily writing before stopping dead. He looked up towards the ceiling, brows furrowed. Thinking. He looked then towards me. I raised an eyebrow, telling him to ask.

"Umm, what do you add to toad legs and ivy root to reduce..."

"Rattails" I butted in. He looked shocked before scribbling down once more. I watched him, he would stop very now and then to think about how he would word the sentence presumably, then continue.

Throughout the half an hour of him doing his homework, I'd answers numerous questions. He'd continued to scribble down whilst I'd explain why ingredients had the properties they did. He'd finished and stuffed his books away and looked at me.

"Thanks" he spoke genuinely. I nodded my head towards him in appreciation. We sat in science. It was nice.

"We've still got a long way to go" Potter sighed.  I looked at him. She stared blankly back. I looked deep into his eyes mossy green eyes. They sparkled slightly. The shades of green changed like different trees in a forest. One I could get lost in.

I jumped, startled at the thought. I smiled falsely at Potter before looking out the window. Idiot! What do you think your doing? I ran a hand over a fresh bruise on my back, visibly wincing at the pain. I looked back and Potter was still staring at me. He looked concerned. About me? NO. Why would he be concerned about me.

"What." I spat. Pulling a look of hate onto my face.

"Just thanks. For the help. " he grumbled before spinning his body around to look down the train corridor. We sat in science once again. Awkward. Every now and then I'd shoot a glance at him. Occasionally our eyes met but we brushed it off. Potter was intriguing. I smile slipped onto my face as I thought about things he's said. Lines he'd spoken to me, and I thought about them. 

"What are you smiling about?" He questioned. I looked over towards his straight face. He had one eyebrow raised slightly and the edges of his lips where pulled upwards. I could feel a slight warming sensation in my cheeks, which I hid with a cough, bringing my hand up to cover my cheeks.

"Nothing. What's it got to do with you?" I hissed.

"Hey! I'm just trying to make conversation and your NOT helping." He argued.

"What is I don't want a conversation" I enquired, cockily.

"Well, fine if you want it like that." He shrugged. Tell him. Tell him you do want to talk. He is not that bad. Angry at my mind, I balled my fist and looked back out the window. I still pressed my nails into my skin as punishment for the thoughts. I looked back at him one last time. He was looking at me. We just stared at each other. Taking in each detail of his face and hair. The creases in this skin, the scar covered badly with charcoal black hair. His thin lips, dried slightly, cracking. We sat and stared for what felt like a year.

"Why is your fist balled?" He quizzed. I quickly released it, I'd forgotten but the pain was there, it flowed up my arm stinging. He tilted his head slightly.

"I'd umm got angry." I spoke quickly under my breath. He looked, knowing I was lying. He had a sad look in his eyes. He knew where where meant to be enemies but he didn't want to be. Neither did I. Or at least that's what I thought he thought. We both looked away silently and waited for the train to grind slowly to a stop at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. 

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