Football Fancies

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"So he has an alter ego named Spike?" Mia asked Leo as he informed her once they met up at the Lobby. He nodded and responded, "Yep. Thought I'd inform you since he may make an appearance sooner or later though I can't imagine anything scarier that Principal Perry on a Monday."

She nodded, "Ditto."

"Hey guys" The two greeted once they had met up with the superhuman trio at nutrition. Mia almost smiled at how much they resembled little kids in awe awaiting instructions from there line leader during playtime. Though there was nothing fun about this situation and as far as she knows, Leo wasn't the best line leader.

Scanning the cafeteria, Leo informed them looking over at their school's leprechaun, "Okay you guys, that's Principal Perry. She has the temperament of a junk yard dog stuffed into a really bad pant suit."

Said leprechaun looked over to Freddie Jason and shrieked, "Hey you, no tongue rings in school! Don't try to hide it, I will take a metal detector to your face."

The brunette girl Bree looked over at one of the 'cute' guys and began to gush, "This is it! My chance for romance. On T.V. the girl always drops her books and the cute guy with soulful eyes picks them up."

"Bree..." Mia warned trying to prevent her from dropping all of her books and papers all over the floor but failed. Big time.

One of the teachers, Mr. Smith had slipped and fallen on his backside. Everyone had visibly winced as Bree made the old and overly used excuse, "Sorry, I'm new" as the teacher got back up to his feet and stormed away.

This was obviously going to take some work, Mia noticed as Bree began picking up her fallen schoolbooks.

After that little encounter, Leo continued, "Okay, your social life is determined by where you sit. We can't sit at 'The cool' table," looking over to where the cheerleaders were sitting Mia smiled as she caught sight of her twin, "but we can be cool table adjacent."

"F.Y.I. Adam just sat down at the cool table."

Leo shrieked suddenly as Adam was making all the girls laugh by lifting oranges to his eyes. Mia's sister immediately spun around and raised an eyebrow at her questioningly as she shrugged. "What! He can't sit there! That's where the football players sit with the cheerleaders, and they pride themselves on finding clever places to stuff your pudding cup." Leo explained.

"Those girls are actually talking to him." Mia pointed out, half surprised, half expected. Her sister was a cheerleader so she hung around them alot. Didn't mean she liked all of them. Except for two. Alison Laura Hardison and Jade O'Connell.

Kadie's two BFF's since she joined the cheer squad back in Middle school when the twins began exploring their options. Katie had discovered her love for cheer and design while Mia found her love for sports and mechanics. Since they were constantly separated they made friends outside from each other. Mia got closer to Leo and Kadie got closer to Ali and Jane. That didn't mean they weren't all friends. They were, just not BFF's like her and her sister.

"They can't talk about shapes and colors forever. See ya." Chase waved off, going over to 'The cool' table. Just as he left, her sister stood up and walked over to her just as Leo exclaimed to them, "No! The football players are going to turn him into the fifth food group!"

"Hey guys." Katie greeted. Instead of greeting her back, Leo waved urgently, "It's a rescue mission. Move in! Move in!"

Once he was gone, Kadie asked her, "How badly do you think this is gonna be?"

Shrugging, she answered, "I think that the last five times Leo has been pudding cupped will be nothing compared to today." It was silent for a moment before she remembered suddenly, "Oh right! Katie, this is Bree, Leo's...step sister and Bree this is my twin sister Kadie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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