"I'm glad that you finally have back up. I know it's been a rough month helping me and Tony and he doesn't make it easy for you either."

"But at least I haven't killed him yet."

The one question that Natasha needed to ask herself many times a day was how she had ended up in charge of almost everything? Pepper Potts was a very busy human being. As such, Pepper needed someone to help coordinate with the wedding organizer, (the best that money could buy). Someone who knew what her and Tony wanted and someone who she trusted to make the right decisions for them. Natasha Romanoff was the only suitable person in this world. If Pepper had been too busy running the Stark empire and making sure that nothing went wrong, (especially Tony)

The wedding planner provided the list of things to do. The couple would have a wedding the following June. The first thing they did was to scout for a venue. Since money was never a problem, Natasha narrowed down the list of three places and have the couple make the final decision. Of course, Pepper picked the Plaza but Tony insisted on having his Hampton mansion as a backup.

Pepper deliberately used her power and position to transfer Nat's work to someone else unless the matter was really urgent so Natasha could pay full attention on the wedding. Booking the officiant was the second thing on the list. Pepper flew them back to her hometown to meet with the priest from the church in the neighborhood where she grew up. Tony said he could have the mayor of New York City officiated their wedding and made it less traditional.

"I'm not nostalgic, you know," he said and Nat smacked his head.

"It's her wedding. She gets what she wants," the redhead hissed.

"The last time I checked, it was our wedding."

"It would make it more meaningful and memorable if you had someone that actually knows you officiate. Not just your golf buddy."

Tony whined because he didn't get what he wanted. As a compromise, he said that he would be the only one who could have a say when it came to food and beverage. Pepper just agreed to make him stop whining.

Pepper was very strict about the number of guests so she took this matter into her hands because, one, she didn't want a crowded wedding, (so only family and their closest friends allowed). Second, Tony had a tendency to invite everyone that he knew to the wedding just to stroke his ego. She worked out the list with Nat and it was finalized only two weeks after the planning had started. A hundred guests wouldn't be too hard for Natasha to handle as far as the hotel booking and transportation.

Nat booked four floors of the Four Seasons for the out-of-town guests, each with a full service package. She made sure to charter private jets. But some of them made it hard for her because they had their own specific requests. Luckily, Pepper approved of everything anyway.

Then she threw the engagement party for them. This time Tony insisted that he be in charge of the guest list. Natasha instantly regretted her decision of letting him do just that. As it turned out, she lost all power and Tony threw the wildest party, (and when she said 'wildest', she meant the 'craziest, out of control' kind of party). Pepper didn't blame her but she needed to shut down the party and send everyone home before her fiancé made a fool of himself.

He was grounded for a week. Tony stayed cooped up in his workshop the entire time in order to make it up to Pepper.

The next morning, Pepper granted her full power in deciding anything for their wedding, never letting Tony make a decision without her again.

"He is kinda out of control lately," Pepper said. "It was like his body was fighting for the last bit of freedom, as if he was trying to live the last bit of his bachelorhood to the fullest."

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