She wants to call out to her brother and tell him she's okay now, but all those minutes of being deprived from air made it hard for her to find her voice.

She saw Aiden tensed a little more and she felt the sand being dragged towards the shore. Her eyes bulged again with that. She can't understand. How?

She's now halfway to the shore when she heard a loud roar emanating from her back. She felt the sand stopped and she looked around.

Coming out from the Ocean's surface is the biggest beast she had ever seen. It has an armored back like a crocodile, it has a tail that's like a dragon's, its face is like a snake, and it must be forty feet long.


She heard somebody from the crowd cry out.

"Oh, God! You used your element, Aiden. It must have wakened it!" says another one.

Aimaengel didn't pay them anymore attention as she saw the beast diving towards her.

"No! Not her!" she heard her brother roar from her back and a ball of water crashed on the beast and enveloped its head at the same time she felt her small island of sand accelerated towards the shore.

She looked to her brother and saw him on a stance like Aiden, tensed and rigid. She whipped her head back to the beast when she heard a loud splash of water just behind her.

Whatever the others are doing to help her, it might have saved her if only the beast isn't just a hand away from her now.

She felt a survival drive that she hasn't felt before even when she was drowning. A cold, burning sensation started in the pit of her stomach and slowly spreading to every fiber of her body, screaming to be freed. She felt a rush of adrenaline in her blood, and she blinked.

'There is definitely something wrong with my vision' she thought, for the moment she opened her eyes, all she is seeing are small balls glowing with every color she had ever encountered, overlaying with each other.

She blinked again; still, her vision didn't changed. She looked closely to the tiny balls around her and she gasped.

'Goodness, those are particles!' she's actually seeing the particle compositions of every matter around her.

She raised her hands and slapped the ground beside her. She heard a splash but all she could see are overlapping blue and white balls being separated from the others to the pure tiny white balls around her which she thinks might be O2(oxygen).

She looked down again and noticed that she is immersed in the blue and white balls. Each clump has two white balls and 1 blue ball in it and she laughed when she realized it was the chemical compound of water, H2O.
She got lost in her new discovery that's why when she heard the growling of the beast in front of her, she got startled.

Then she remembered her brother and Aiden. She looked around to the people. She can see every particle composing each of them and even the plants around them are covered with C6H12O6 compound.

She looked at her brother and Aiden. They are all looking at her with wide eyes. Adenase is the first one to come to his senses.

"Aimaengel what are you doing?" he yelled-asked her.

"I'm supposed to be the one asking that from you! How on earth are you able to raise the sand and make it move toward you? Then Alexander too, I saw him control the water; and now this, one of you made me a living microscope!" she yelled back.

She just noticed now, everything around her appeared base on their chemical compositions, except for Aiden and Xander.

The beast roared again and she looked around to see a maelstrom of chemical compounds around and attacking it. She caught a glimpse of H2SO4 and Phosphorus mixing with oxygen igniting the beast to a raging inferno. She noticed also that some individuals on the shore are now normal too.

The attacking chemical compounds kept on going but it seems like it is not enough to defeat the Leviathan. It's still alive and now looking at her.

She saw its black eyes gleam, and it coiled its tail to surround the island of sand she's sitting on. Aiden and Xander tried to protect her by putting walls after walls of sand and shells around her, and water ropes to coil around the beast. She didn't know how, but she knew it was them. The fires and windstorms kept coming to the beast but to no effect.

Aimaengel saw the Leviathan opened its mouth and started to dip its head towards her direction. Her panic shot up and she felt her blood flow accelerated. She felt the cold and burning sensation starting to spread outside her body.

A blinding blue light shot out from her chest, then her stomach, then her shoulders, and then her face. As the Leviathan's mouth closed around her, she saw the bluest rippling water come out from every pore of her body to build up to a rippling flame that slashed to every direction.

The pained roar of the leviathan was the last thing she heard before she's blinded by the blue light and everything went very silent.

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