Chapter 1

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Isabelle's POV

"Girls come on, the driver is here" I shouted upstairs to my sisters, they take so long to get ready.

"Excuse, my love, were do you think you are going?" My husband James stood infront of me crossing his arms.

"Shopping with my sisters" I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know we have a lunch with the Douglas family today" he glared at me.

"Actually I forgot, can we reschedule?" I said hopefully.

"No we cannot reschedule, we can't just reschedule. They prepared everything for today and we promised we were going to be there. Now go get dressed into something more appropriate for the occasion" he took my arm and walked me to the stairs.

"In that case, tell them I couldn't make it and send my hugs to them" I freed myself from.

"I can't just show there without you, Isabelle. You know how high in the social status is this family. It will be an embarrassment if I showed up there without you. We promised to go!" He was now shouting a bit.

"What's going on?" Clara walked down the stairs followed by Arianna, my two beautiful sisters.

"Everything is fine" I glared at James.

"Your sister, made a promise and now she wont keep it" My husband gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry James, it is more important to me to pass time with my sisters than going to some boring dinner" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You will go with me" he demanded.

"I'm sure you can go alone this time, James. After all is just one lunch" Arianna interfered grabbing hold of me and looking at him hopeful. This was Arianna, she was always trying to have peace in the house. She was smart, dedicated, lovely, kind, well-mannered, sassy at times, reserved and most of all pure and innocent.
She was quite the opposite of Clara. Clara was too extroverted, she liked parties, she liked hanging out, always in trouble, she was fun and mostly she was quite the flirt. I, have to say, am the happy medium of both of them and the oldest, Clara the middle one and last Arianna.

"This is not behavior of a lady" he frustratedly ran his hand over his hair.

"Why don't you guys go wait for me in the car, I'll be there in a few" I smiled at both of them and they nodded and walked away.

"What is all this shouting I hear?" Mom walked downstairs with a confused expression.

"Marilyn, we made a promise to meet the Douglas family today and your daughter wants to go shopping" he explained to my mother. She looked at me with wide eyes. Great here we go again.

"This is nonsense Isabelle, you will do as your husband said and promised" she demanded.

"I will not, he is perfectly fine on his own now if you excuse me, I have to go" I walked out before they got a chance to speak. Grandpa John was outside in his wheelchair admiring our land.

"Is everything alright Izzy?" I smiled at him.

"Yes, grandpa why it wouldn't?"

"I'm old, but not that old munchkin, I can hear the shouts of that stupid husband that you have" he frowned.

"I know grandpa" I sighed.

"Everything is going to be fine, my love. I sense that great things are coming your way" he caressed my cheek.

"I hope that feeling that you got is true" I kissed his forehead and walked to the car.

"Is everything fine?" Arianna asked me with a worried expression.

"As it will ever be" I fake a smile at her.

When we got to the mall we ran to Macy's first. As I was trying some clothes with them I heard Clara ask, "Are you happy with your marriage?"

"Yes I am" I lied.

"You don't seem happy" she answered back.

"Couples fight all the time, it's normal in a marriage" I lied again. We fight more than normal couples.

"He is such a bore though, and you married him so suddenly" Clara said.

"Clara don't be mean, he is very handsome" Arianna tried.

"Are you even in love with him? Were you inlove when you got married?" Clara asked again.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked.

"Answer it" Clara cut me.

"I am now and that's all it matters" I said to her. I hated lying to them. Truth is I don't love my husband. I live an unhappy marriage, one that my mother forced me into. I didn't want to marry him but he liked me and he from high society so my mother begged me to marry him to level up even more our social status, if that's even possible. I married him to fulfill her wishes and it could possibly be the worst mistake I've ever done. I'm miserable.

"How can you even get married without love?" Clara asked curiously.

"Maybe love is grows when you spend time with each other. I mean look at mom and dad" Arianna interfered again. She was so clueless about this whole situation but I didn't blame her. She was always so focused on her studies and on the family business, I don't think she's ever had time to think about love. At only 20 years old she graduated from Stanford University and was now one of the boss of our lands supervising everything in them being the other boss my mom.

"Dad is dead and they didn't seem to get along pretty well. I remember they were always fighting" Clara remembered her.

Clara was just the girl who was still studying and I didn't know what to do with her life but she still lived it happily one day at a time. I wish I was like her sometimes. Not knowing what to expect next like it was all some exciting adventure. My father was a great man. Kind, lovely, sweet, smart he loved us very much until he died in a car crash when we were just little girls. Arianna was only 3 years old when that happened.

"Trust me sister. We are okay" I kept lying and they dropped the subject.

We got to the mansion with our hands full of bags. The butler came and took them from us and said almost scared, "Miss Isabelle, there are some guys here that want to speak with the owner of the house but, they seem rather scary to me" he pointed at them.

There stood three very good looking men. Though, their intense glares made them look as the butler said very scary. The three of us walked their way.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" I ask politely.

"We have some unfinished business here" the one that seemed to be the oldest answered as he stared at me intensely.

"Sorry, we don't know what you are taking about" Clara answered.

"That's private, only for us to know and the owner of this house" the one with tan skin and brown straight hair answered.

Arianna scoffed. Great she chooses today to be sassy.

"I'm sorry but I believe we asked for the owner not some sassy little girls" the curly haired one looked at Arianna. She scrunched up her nose. Here we go.

"You want to see the owners huh? Well let me tell you something "big men", you are looking at them. This so called by yourselves "sassy little girls" are the owners. Now I will ask again nicely, what do you want?" She glared at them furious. Oh boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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