A: shut up you did not

L: yup

L: I still feel bad. Not only did he have to get stitches but the front of his car looked like a murder scene.

A: That would explain the very prominent scar now that I think about it.

L: Yeah, hey wait! Why the fuck are you texting me? Alexa Gabrielle so help me god you better not be driving! You could die!

A: calm down casanova I'm in the parking lot

I pushed myself off the floor and reached the glass front door of the studio moments before her. "Hey baby." She smiled that breathless smile accompanied with saying that name I'd always made fun of until the day it fell from her lips. I once scoffed at the cliché pet name, but the first time she directed it at me I melted and every time after has been no different. Curse that name and the fluttering that errupted in my stomach. How can I be badass with crimson tinted cheeks and plato limbs? I didn't trust myself to speak through my love induced subconscious state, so I just completed the puzzle as our lonely lips touched sooner than I knew they'd part. I slid my hand down her arm to link it with her own and tug her forward.

She settled onto a chair in the far corner of the room to observe and for a moment I was reminded of those days when she would visit me in Lowell and crash band practice. That was back when we used to rehearse in Brian's basement. It'd been nearly a year and a half now since we were last there. She watched me through the glass as I put my headphones on and adjusted the mic. I'd spent the better part of the morning tracking vocals for a song I wrote as I went. I'd thought up the first verse in the car on the ride here and just rolled with it, so she would be the fourth person to ever hear it and considering that it was about her, I really hoped she received the message well.

I took a deep breath and bit my lip, sliding off the headphones and looking for her reaction. "What do ya think? It's pretty different from white noise, more generically pop based, but-"

"It's incredible as always. The lyrics are honest and the upbeat is catchy, but it still holds that dark undertone that people admire you for. Besides, I don't think anything you do could be considered generic. You're too weird." She grinned teasingly.

"Thanks stupidass. I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was meant to be one."

We wrapped things up at six on the dot and headed back to Alexa's house to crash L,R band sleepover night. It had been months since we were able to get together, so we decided to hell with the studio. We hadn't really gotten much done and we had the new year ahead booked solid to be productive. It was the first week in December, so we were on the brink of christmas break anyway.

We were spread out around the living room taking suggestions for game ideas. "We should play strip poker." Joe grinned.

Dane and Alexa said no before anyone else had a chance to vote. "I guess we know who's territorial." Rhys laughed.

"Nobody wants to see you naked asshat." Sam sassed Joe. I added input. "And we sure as hell don't want you seeing us naked either."

Joe grumbled as the boys snickered. "What about good ol truth or dare?" Dane asked.

"What are we, twelve?" Joe mocked childishly.

"It's a classic!" Dane defended.

"I'm game." Alex said and Brian nodded. "Me too."

"Me three." I added.

"Me four" "Me five" Alexa and Sam chimed in together.

"Whatever. I'm down too, I guess." Rhys shrugged.

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