Chapter 7: Best Friends Having Fun and The Engagement Party :) :) :)

Start from the beginning

"So Ness, tell us everything." Lex told me, with everyone nodding in approval. I told them everything and they all aweed and well told me that we look really cute together, we also had some pretty good laughs.

"Oh, I also forget to mention that on Friday since we have a half day we are all going to First Beach so you all can meet Jake and then you guys can hangout with some of his friends." I told them while wiping my hands because I had just finished my waffle. 

"That sounds like fun, I can't wait to meet him and if you say his friends are as hunky as he is than I'm all for it." Alexis told me, we all laughed when she said that.

"I'm in, it'll be fun and we get to spend the day at the beach too." Brenda said. 

"I agree, although it'll be too cold to wear bathing suits, so let's just wear dresses, plus they are wolves Josie said in a more hushed tone, so they can keep us warm." Josie said and we all laughed, but it was true so we all agreed. 

"I'm in as well, it'll be so much fun, now let's get to the shopping." Anna said while slowly getting up. We all chiped in to pay for our food and then left to go shopping, we went to all the shoe stores and we all bought a bizzilion things. We were all in a jewerly store, when a guy who goes to our school starts to come up to me. 

"Oh my gosh Nessie look it's Brad he's coming over here, god he's so annoying." Anna told me and all of my friends tried to hide me because Brad was the most annoying person that ever exsited. 

"Hey, girls, Hey Ness what are you all up to?" Brad asked all of us but checking each and everyone one of us out at the same time. 

"Nothing, just shopping, shouldn't we be going guys it's almost 4 and we have that thing, right?" Brenda said while hinting that she just really wanted to go. 

"Well there sure are a lot of bags, now Ness how about it you and me tonight I'll pick you up at 8?" Brad asked me while staring right at my boobs, god he is such a perv. 

"No thanks,  I'll be with my boyfriend so thanks but no thanks, see you at school Brad." I told him while walking off with my friends, since it was almost 4pm and they knew I had to go to the engagement party we got into my car and drove off. I dropped Alexis first and we sayed our goodbyes and then I dropped off Brenda, Josie and Anna. We all said goodbye and they told me to have fun tonight. I forget to mention they gave me my gift, and it wasn't embarassing at all. 

They gave me a pretty hairclip and told me to wear it with my dress tonight, I hugged them all after that. I had a really good time with my best friends, when I came home I saw Rose and Emmett watching tv and Alice and Jasper reading a magazine together. 

"Hi everyone, I'm home, where are mom and dad?" I asked my family. I put my bags down on the chair and went to go sit down next to Rose. 

"Hey Ness, I see you bought a lot, show us later, okay?" Rose told me. I nodded. 

"Your parents went  hunting Ness, along with Carlilse and Esme they should be back in 20 minutes." Emmett told me while ruffling my hair, and then smirking because he knew I hated when he did that.

'Alright, I'm gonna take my stuff upstairs." I told everyone.

"We will be right up Ness, in like 3 minutes, alright?" Alice told me. 

"Sure Aunt Alice." I told her and then I went into my room and put my stuff away, then I put my school books into my backpack and just waited. Finally Alice, Rose, and my mom came in along with Grandma Esme.

"Renesmee here this is for you, I know you'll love it." Grandma Esme told me while handing me a box with a ribbon tied around it. 

"Aww Grandma, thanks." I gave her a hug and started to open the gift, once I opened it I gasped it was a necklace that I had been eyeing ever since I was seven years old, it was my birthstone a sapphire. 

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