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*not my gif*

I watched from the doorstep as the man of my nightmares was escorted to the police car.

Right before he was pushed into the car, he glared at me and screamed,"You ruined everything! I will find a way to kill, I promise! Don't forget, I own you!"

Then the police officer pushed him into the car.

As the car drove away, his face showed a haunting expression. Some how I knew he would keep his promise.

The shock finally settled in as a paramedic walked up to me. The paramedic handed me a blanket and ran a tiny flashlight over my eyes. After he deemed me healthy enough, an FBI agent came over and started asking questions. I honestly tried my best to answer him but I couldn't seem to focus. He introduced himself as Agent Destin.

"Ryder? Are you okay?" He asked. I could feel his eyes examining my expressions as he talked to me. He gave off this aura of superiority, from which I could tell he was the real deal. What I couldn't figure out is why they would send FBI agents to a simple child abuse case.

"Not really, to be honest. What's going to happen to me?" I didn't want to be thrown into another foster home, just to be put in the same situation that I had finally escaped from.

"Ryder I promise that you will be okay. We are going to find a small town to put you in so you can live a normal life and finish your education. But for right now, I'm sorry to say, we need to take you down to the station to ask you some more questions and make sure this whole ordeal is put behind you."

"Okay, but why-"

"All of your questions will be answered soon, okay?"


I sat in an interrogation room at the local police station. I stared at the girl in the mirror in front of me. I didn't recognize her, she was a stranger. There were dark circles around her eyes, which were bloodshot, and dried up blood running from her forehead to her cheekbone. Her hair was disgusting, she looked like she hadn't taken a shower in a week. She looked like she was about to cry.

And you know what? She did.

Suddenly I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let go of all of the anger, frustration, and sadness that I had been holding in for four years. I had put up with that man for a very long four years after my foster mother died. Finally I was free. Heart wrenching sobs echoed in the interrogation room. At that moment, I didn't care that there most likely were people watching me from behind the one way mirror. I resurfaced from my moment of feeling and composed myself. I wiped my eyes and took a breath. After a few moments, the door opened reveling Agent Destin. I'm positive that he had waited and let me have my moment.

"I brought you a bottle of water. Thought you might need it." I could tell he wanted to end his sentence with "from all that crying" but he was polite enough to leave it out and for that I was grateful.

He sat down across from me and set the bottle down in front of me. I stared at the bottle as he stared at me and silence fell in the small room. After a moment or two, Agent Destin broke the silence.

"Ryder, we have reason believe that your foster father, Jim Evans, was involved in an elite drug ring." My eyes lifted from the water and I looked at the agent.

A picture was slid in front of me. It was a picture of a man that I had seen many times when he would come over for Jim's weekly poker games.

"Do you recognize this man?" He pause and let me look the picture over.

Something To Think About. (Teen Wolf)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu