Thanks but no thanks

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You sat in a bar that was absolutely full with people. The place was packed and you unlike the majority of people there, were alone. But that didn't mean you weren't enjoying yourself there. You took a decent amount of drinks and weren't even close to drunk. "(y/n) want another drink?" One of the bar tender said cleaning an empty glass beer cup with a rag. "No thanks I'm good." You replied looking at your phone for any texts. Nope...nothing. You put down your phone and  wrested your hand on the bar counter. Drunk people were all over the bar but you simply didn't care. You looked around your surroundings to pass the time, mostly because your best friend was supposed to pick you up there an out ago. You wondered what happened to your friend that would stop her from picking you up, but then figured you should just walk home your self. You got off the seat to leave-"(Y/n), some guy got you a drink" the bar tender said handing you a shot. "Me? A drink? Who?" You asked taking the shot in your hands. "Some punk guy, think he has red eyes, leather jacket, sunglasses, tan skin, and carries around a base ball bat." He answered. You looked around the bar and saw some one  with glowing red eyes, stare at you. He looked like the bar tender described him, except way cuter then you imagined. You started at him for a short while dozing off a bit. "Uh, tell him I'm fine." You said while starting to walk out of the bar. Someone, grabbed your hand before you fully left. "Hey gorgeous." He purred looking at at Straight in the eye. "Look, if your looking to get lucky with someone tonight I'm not the girl your looking for." You said shoving your hand away from him taking one step forward only to be pulled over to him again. "Hey, I'm not looking for that." He replied. "Really?" You said sarcastically. "I got some were to go pal, so would you mind letting go of my hand? Thanks." You said trying to pull your hand away but he wouldn't let go. "Where do you gotta be then?" He asked. "None of your buisness now let go." You yelled.  You Finally pulled your hand away from him. "Now I'll be leaving. Thanks for the drink. But no thanks." You said and left the bar. It took a while to process what happened.

                 "Pfft oh my god I can't believe that just happened!!! Nothing like that has ever happened before!!" You said to yourself in excitement. "And he was Soooo hot too! My friend won't believe me when I tell them about this!" You kept walking to your act slowly and you heard someone behind you. "Hmph....glad you think the same way about me." The guy at the bar said. "Ugh, uh.." You said nervously, embarrassment plastered on your face. "My name's Al. Yours?" He said walking close to you. You looked at him, your face redder than a plump red apple. "Um.....(Y/N)..." You said quietly. "Here's my number, you better call me some time." Al said. "Whatever..." You replied quietly, then walked back to your car and drove back home. You couldn't get his blood red eyes out of your head. "He seems so familiar.....ugh! I can't believe he heard me say that so embarrassing!" You said to yourself driving. You made it home, failing at getting Al out of your head....he was just so...,so..........cute. You unlocked your front door welcoming yourself inside your apartment. "Hey roomie!!!" Your room mate said. Her name was Anne and she was one of the most vibrant, excited girls you have ever met. "Hey.." You said quietly while hanging your coat on the hanger. "What happened at the bar? You seem...wierd." Anne replied sitting on the couch watching TV. "Nothing I'm just's like 12:00 and school's tomarow " You sat on he couch next to her. "OMG! You met someone didn't you?!" She said. "What?! No I didn't!!" You said. "I can see it all over your face! You totally did!"she replied. "Well....maybe I did by it's not important..."
"I won't stop asking until you tell all the juicy details!" Anne said crossing her arms.
"Fine. Only if we go to sleep after I tell you, we have to go to school tomarow remember?" She nodded and was ready for a story. "At the bar........there was a guy...he had red eyes, brown hair, tan skin, a white shirt, and he carried a base ball bat for some reason." You said trying to be as descriptive as you possibly could. "Wait red eyes? Baseball bat? You mean Al?" You gave her a weird look. "You KNOW him?" Anne nodded."Duh I practically know everyone at our school. He's the captain of the baseball team, he's does bad in all classes, he's only in college because of baseball." She explained. "I didn't know he went to our school..." You muttered. That makes the situation way more embarrassing......what if I see him? Come to think of it he did seem familiar.....I just have to sleep on it.
"Uh Anne can we go to bed now I got a test tomarow and I don't want to fail it." Anne frowned. "Fiiiiine but are you up for American Horror Story tomarow?" She asked. You smiled and nodded, quickly falling asleep soon after.

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