He kept his hands on the steering wheel but one hand doing motions to the song and he grabbed my hand and pressured me to sing but I didn't want to,I laughed out loud this time and that's when he stopped at my red house

I got out getting my red and black bag out of the back and walked to my front door of my house"No thanks?" He smirked and I shrugged,opening my door,going inside,waving goodbye,

"Honey why'd you come to school so early and i do need to tell you something"she looked down and I sat down,placing my bag on the side of the violet couch for now

"Can you sit down?"I asked my mom,what she needed to tell me has to be quick, I was going to get ready to go to sleep,ok I'm lazy so what girls are lazy at times"I'm going to be away for 5 weeks for work,their telling me to work out of town honey and you know the bills we have to pay I can't afford this house if I don't work"I nodded,I get it

"Mom it's ok,don't worry about it,when do you start?"she fiddled with her apron that she has on as she was cooking"I'm starting tomorrow"now that was a problem"Ok"i got up and headed upstairs grabbing my stuff"One more thing Lilly"I looked down at her

"Your staying over at my friends house,their new here her name is Jennifer-"please don't say what I think your going to say,the only new people here is Justin,"Jennifer Banser"i stood back horrified"No,why can't I stay with David"she crossed her arms"You know why!"his girlfriend and him are having a hard time making money and profits for their bills,bills always have to get in the way of stuff,

"It's better than leaving me with people I don't know at all,you might not even know if their rappers"she rolled her eyes"Lilly"she gave me a glare and I walked upstairs,going into my room making enough noise to make the door slams hard,I kicked it and sat on the front of my bed,

"What am I going to do?"I put my head down on my knees and clutched tight on my stuffed animal"I'm sorry Lilly"she came in and then quickly went out shutting the door,

Flashback start
"You are going to be a princess when you grow up!"my dad was sitting down on the swinging on the swing with me,having a picnic and he tickled me,I laughed and tickled him,as he started to laugh,it turned dark and I was so sleepy"daddy,can we go home to go sleep already"I had no enthusiasm to play around the toys anymore"Yea sure baby girl"

We were walking to the car when we saw guys with black masks in our car searching for something"Daddy-"I pointed and he hushed me"Go get help,say we were at the park,remember look both ways and I love you,I'll be there soon"he sounded like he wasn't going to come back,I held his hand,not wanting to let go,

He kissed me on the forehead,hugging me and I ran and ran until I saw people at lovers lane"Help,help call the police please"a boy about my age but 3 years older had told his mom about me and she came over to me"What's wrong?"I started crying,tears cascading layer over layer"My dads in trouble call 911 tell them were at the park,he told me to tell someone"

One gunshot,two gunshots,three gunshots and a car making a loud noise swerving,we saw my dads car drive off with the people inside,I ran back to my dad,darkness flooded me,I didn't know what to do"Wait,where are you going?"the boy ran for me and I looked everywhere for my dad and saw someone laying on the road"B-baby girl"I ran for him"DADDY!!"I opened my arms for him to come hold me but it never came,he stayed on the floor limp,I ran to him and held him,cars came and people went out"HELP,HELP!!"he stopped me,hugging me, giving my cheeks a kiss

Living with the bad boyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon