The beginning.....

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I was alone.... with only the moon, and different mobs that occasionally walked by me. None of them ever paid attention to me. After all, I'm only a sugar cane.

That is, until a boy came along. He had a blue sweater with a yellow 'v' with a red triangle behind the 'V'.

He came towards me with a girl who had redish/orangish hair. They looked at eachother and then back to me. The girl then picked me up, and gave me to the other guy.

"Here Jordan. It's a sugar cane." She said to, Jordan.

Jordan then picked me up, and put me in his hand.

"I'm going to call you...Michael Can...."

"Sugar Cane?" The other girl asked.

Jordan turned around with a goofy smile on his face. "MICHAEL CANE SUGAR CANE!!!!! Nice thinking Bethany!"


And from there on, I was Michael Cane Sugar Cane. Both of them took me back to their house. There were two other their. But all I knew was, I ready for an adventure!

The Adventures Of Michael Cane Sugar CaneWhere stories live. Discover now