Lambeth Asylum

Começar do início

With a shuffle you began to stagger out into the long stark, seemingly endless corridor before you, it's walls lined in bare and unwelcoming white glossed tiles, the floor not much more welcoming.  Clueless to exactly where you were or what you were doing you gave a quick glance around.

'Seems to be some kind of infirmary?' you mused silently as you glanced around you, seeing no one you decided to head blindly out and far away from the direction of the screaming.

With your one hand steadying yourself upon the wall and your other clutching at the pain from your side,  you scuttlef breathlessly away, frantically glancing around you all the time as you went.

You staggered past closed door after closed door as you went, God knows who or what lay behind each one. Eventually reaching the end and a darkened recess that opened up before you, a partially open door called you quietly closer. Every ounce and fibre of your body screamed at you to carry on, to ignore what lay inside but your inquisitiveness urged you further

Silently, your cold bare feet took you to the doors opening. You stopped, your breath hitching, eyes widening as they peered through into a large treatment room. The room was just as  eerily as sparse apart from a few filthy screens that littered the floor space but this room was different, you sensed the malevolence and dread the walls breathed.

Central to the grimy tiled floor was a stark metal gurney, on it, through the inconsistent flickering light level you could make out a figure of a man, a large man who's body was covered by a blood smeared, dirty white cotton sheet. Your heart sank slightly at the realisation it was Mac. He lay lifeless, some kind of wires taped attached to his temples and hooked to some machine that buzzed loudly and hummed

"Mac?" You whispered quietly as you began to take a step into the room, your eyes willing him to turn smiling  and jump up as if nothing wrong. With hardly a foot inside the room you froze, your breath hitching as a man in a white coat appeared from behind one of the screens and strode purposely back over to Mac unaware of your presence. You jumped back, hiding in the shadows close by, watching closely as he leant over his body.

You couldn't control the hot tears that gathered behind your eyes threatening to spill down your cheek as you watched the doctor stride over the humming machine Mac was attached to. With his hand upon a large dial he turned it slowly making the buzzing noise louden with each deliberate click.

Breathing quickened you watched, recoiling in horror as he turned the dial further and further making the deepened buzz from the machine hum deafeningly filling the room. Macs body responded, shaking involuntarily to the volts that tore unforgivingly through it.

Your hand lifted, covering your mouth catching the muffled sobs you emitted  as it fell slack. You fought the instinctually  urge in your body to run in there and stop proceedings, the man was so tall and stocky given your weakened state it would just be a stupid and quite frankly suicidal thing to do, with whatever horror being dealt to Mac no doubt soon to be delivered to you . The tears that threatened your eyes earlier spilled silently and quickly down your face.

With a final deliberate and slow blink of your eyes the remainder of your tears spilled slowly down your cheeks, you quickly wiped away their presence with the heel of your hand. You turned, the crescendoing sound of electricity ringing in your ears as you pushed yourself painfully from the door frame and back into the corridor. For the first time it became apparent to you, The screaming...... the lights levels flickering and fluctuating..... It was the endless stream of hapless souls hooked up to the life zapping machinery deep within and well away from the publics view. This was a factory, it's produce? .... maniacs,  plain and simple and you had to get out.

The panicked urgency that boiled deep within spurred you swiftly down the corridor quicker than before, each time the lighting dimmed slightly you imagined Macs body twitch and writhe uncontrollable upon the cold bare trolley he laid upon..... The indignity of it all making your heart ache painfully for your friend. There was no time to waste, your eyes spied an external door at the end of corridor and you barrelled as quickly as your bare feet would allow, the pain in your side tearing through making you wince and wheeze louder with each cold step.

With a loud thud your body fell into the door, your fumbling fingers grasping the large iron key sat within the locks housing. With a struggled and breathless twist the key turned releasing the large lock with a lowly clunk. Your hand fell to the large brass door handle turning and twisting it as hard as you could, the coldness from the winters night the other side cooled your slightly clammy panicked grasp, until with a sudden and definite clunk the door released from its housing.

You pulled quickly at the heavy oak door, the large hinges growling deeply at you in protest of their rare and occasional use. The cold night air of winter spilled quickly in, it's freshness and sterility cleansed your lungs from the pungency of the rot and decay within the building.

Outside, the freezing winters night looked serene and beautiful, more beautiful and welcoming than ever before in your life. The glittered iced pavement that lay before you sparkled brightly like gemstones set within the grime of the chipped and cracked concrete pavers. 

Tentatively you took your first step into the still December night, the frost biting agonisingly at your bare feet as you stepped into the iciness, the hitched and quickened breaths that fell from your mouth frosted swiftly into a steamy vapour the further you got from the door.

You strode as quickly as your feet allowed. Staggering swiftly down the icy pathway, your heart pounded intensely within your chest making your lungs burn as you made good your escape. And there,  eventually as you turned the corner you saw the gates.... The gates to the street outside... You could taste the sweetness of Liberty on your lips.... Your plan? To get out, to get word back to the Frye twins and to get Mac from the hell he found himself in.

Your hand lifted, just about to grasp at the coldness of the iron railings when you heard it. A deep and lowly voice cutting though the stillness like a sharpened knife

"OI Rook!...... Where the fuck d'ya think you're off?"

And that was that!


The carriage scuffed to an eventual stop, the dappled grey mare pawing and nodding impatiently at the greased and slippery cobblestones of the capital eager to continue its journey amongst the nighttime stillness.

Darwin looked nonchalantly over to Jacob who sat opposite him upon the buttoned velvet seat of the carriage

"You've reached your destination Mr Frye, Lambeth asylum... A place more imposing as it looks " he said quietly, his darkened aged eyes casting through the carriage window towards the brick built institution that lay before them

Jacobs head tilted, his eyes straining to get a proper look at what lay before them

"And this is where I'll find him? Elliotson? He asked

"Without doubt Jacob, this is where he's resident..... You'll find him here... I'm sure" Darwin replied, his eyes seeking the affirmation that Jacob eventually gave.

"Very well" he said adjusting his large quilted leather coat "if you'll excuse me Mr Darwin... I have several Rooks to get back where they belong"

Darwin smiled widely with a satisfied nod "I will see that there is a carriage waiting for you around the corner Jacob....... Good luck" he nodded

Unexpected OutcomesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora