My Super Hero - Pregnant Lady Coming Through

Start from the beginning

I chucked the same fry back at him. "Yeah well you're the reason behind world hunger."

"That's what she said."

I groaned. "Zachary, that is what I said."

"I know." He grinned while finishing his burger in two minutes flat.

"You eat like an obese person." I muttered.

He picked me up out of my chair and ran threw the caf towards the dorms. "Outta my way pregnant lady coming through."

My face heated up. "I AM NOT PREGNANT!"

"Crazy hormones." He shouted to nearby people. "They're making her crazy."

"I am not preggers. I haven't even 'done it' yet."

"You could have reproduced asexually..."

"I am NOT a sponge!"

He rolled his eyes. "That's what she said."

I smacked him upside the head. "Zachary you are retarded."

"Racist." He muttered while pushing the buttons in the elevator.

"WE'RE BOTH WHITE!" I shouted.

He rolled his eyes. "Jeesh you didn't have to yell."

"Yeah well at least I'm not sexist."

He gave me a sly smile. "What do you mean we're both obviously dudes."

I smacked his arm. "Ass tart."

"Come on. You know what I mean. You're just very feminine."

"So now you're calling me a gay guy."


"Hey you took a bath with this 'guy' " I muttered.

He shook his head while simultaneously opening up the door."Obviously that was my twin brother."

"You've been watching too many soap operas."

"I've only watched all twelve seasons."

"Only?" I muttered while jumping out of his arms and tackling his bed.

"Rape!" Zachary shouted.


"You're raping my bed."

I rolled over my eyebrows raised. "Zachary if you dont shut up I'm going to rape you."

"I'm perfectly fine with that. ABCDEFGHIJKL--"

I covered my head with a pillow. "Erg. I take it back."

"That's not the way rape works Grace."

"You would know." I chuckled into the pillow."

He grabbed my legs and pantsed me. "Sneak attack."

I chucked the pillow at him. "Gimme back my pants!"


"Now Zachary."

"Only if you give me a lap dance."

"Hell no!"

"Okay how bout --"

"Just gimme the pants and no one gets hurt."

He backed up towards the balcony.

"Zachary." I warned while running towards him.

"Whoops." He chuckled as he dropped my pants and it landed on a blue Lamborghini.

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