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A/N: Hey guys please give me some feed back on this story Id love it! Thank you all who check this out!
I sat in the same cell for days, getting only two meals that I savored a day. I expected my death coming soon at the hands on the masked man whom I had only heard tales of.

I waited, and waited.

Finally it came, it was a cold per usual for the cell and very dark, that is until they opened the door. "Lord Ren will see you now." a man with red hair said. He couldn't have been a storm trooper, maybe he was higher up.

I was yanked from the cell by two stormtroopers quite easily. I was weak, so weak I felt I would break by just a slight amount of force applied to my body.

I was soon strapped down in a very uncomfortable metal chair. Great, I can't even die in a comfortable place but I was in this scary place how would I ever be comfortable here?

Closing my eyes tight I tried to calm my speeding heart down which had no help whatsoever. I felt my heart race faster as the door open and he stepped in.

"Hello again.....good to see you're still alive." His robotic voice uttered. Again? What did he mean by that?

He sounded as though a smirk was plastered on his masked face "What do you want from me? Who are you?" I ask and watched as he paced around me.

"My name is Kylo Ren, I help lead the First Order. What I want from you is to know what it is you've learned from the resistance." He explained in such a calm way it was scary. "I-I-I don't know anything!" I stutter out gulping some. Great. That'll make you seem truthful to him. NOT.

Truth be told I had only heard little about the resistance, I knew only that they were the light side and Leia was their general. I stayed away from it all after Ben, I would always say I was on the light side. After Ben died....I felt something else tug at me, anger hatred...everything that fueled the dark side.

I could tell he wasn't pleased by my silence or by the way I responded to him. "You're scared...I can tell." He quietly told me.

I shook my head keeping my composure as he came closer to me. "Nothing else to say?" He questioned in an aggravated tone. I was hesitant but said nothing else "You know I always get what I want." He muttered sticking his hand in the air towards me.

I gasped going wide eyed nearly screaming from the pain shooting through my head "STOP!" I scream as he rakes through my mind, my deepest thoughts and memories. What had I done do deserve this? Who was this Kylo Ren that everyone seemed to fear?

The pressure fell from my head and I panted trying to regain composure as he turned away from me, almost as though he was upset some how. I watched intently for his next move which ended up being him kneeling in front of me staring.

I was uncomfortable he was interested in me, I didn't see why. I was a farmer girl who lived on a thankfully not terrible planet. "You're questioning why you're here....why You've been taken captive by the scary man in the mask." He uttered making me go wide eyes as had just said my exact thoughts.

I could tell he was probably smirking as he pointed to my head then his "The force is strong....lets me read what you think." He explained. Well that makes more sense now.

He got up all of a sudden and turned his back to me exhaling loudly "The boy you long for.....he is should forget about him." He spoke. It made me grow angry, how dare he talk about Ben. MY Ben. "Shut up! Don't you dare speak of him!" I yelled "You are half the man he was, you're a monster." I said letting tears fall at the thought of him.

He quickly turned around and got in my face laughing darkly at me. "Oh my dear Maxine...that's where you're wrong."

He then moved his hands to his mask clicking some buttons making air release from it. He slowly pulled it away, his long hair coming out first before his face is shown.

I instantly feel my stomach hit my throat. There in front of me....a face of the man I loved more than life itself.


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