Slughorn allowed each student to smell the love potion and share with the class what they smelled.


"Yes, next, Miss...?" Slughorn pointed at me.

"Smith, sir. Skylar Smith" I said with a smile.

"Ah, yes. Miss Smith, please share with the class what you smell."

I carefully sniffed the potion and said, "uhh... My brother Rob's cologne, the beach, and... Uh.. Peppermint?" Peppermint? Since when have I been attracted to peppermint?

"Good, good. Thank you Miss Smith. Mister Malfoy, if you please" Slughorn said, beckoning Draco forward, who had been trying to hide away behind the crowd.

I stifled a laugh as Draco moved to the front of the room, frowning. Slughorn held the potion under Draco's nose and he didn't look surprised at all by what he smelled.

"Well?" Slughorn questioned, earning a sideways glare from Draco.

"Fruit, rain, and vanilla, sir" Draco replied, glancing around the room... nervously?

"Very good, Mister Malfoy. You may sit. Mister Zabini, would you care to join me?"

Draco walked past me back to his seat and I caught a whiff of his scent. My eyes widened in surprise.


-end flashback-

According to Hermione, Harry found this book that was property of a prince of some sort. Whether he was an actual prince, or his last name was Prince, she wasn't sure. She had me helping her search through the library for anyone under the name of Prince or The Half-Blood Prince.

I suggested that it was most likely someone's nickname and we wouldn't find anything, but she wouldn't hear it.

"Skylar, this Prince person helped Harry won that Felix Felicis. He's either really good news, or really bad news" Hermione said.

I sighed deeply and posed a question I had been wondering for the past day. "Say, Hermione, what was the third thing you smelled in the love potion the other day?"

She slammed her book closed and stared at me reluctantly. "Skye, I want to tell you, but... you have to promise you won't get angry."

I gave her a quizzical look but nodded my head, eager to hear what Hermione loved.

"I, um, along with the freshly mown grass and new parchment, I-I smelled..."

"Oh just tell me, Hermione!" I almost screamed.

"Fine. If you must know, I smelled Ronald's hair. Are you happy?" I took a sharp intake of breath and then smiled. "You... You aren't upset?" Hermione questioned and I shook my head.

"No, I found out I didn't really love him after all. I've loved someone else all along and failed to recognize it" I stated simply and she let out a breath I didn't notice she was holding.


"Yes really. I honestly think he likes you as well; he just doesn't know it yet" I said and she beamed at me.

"Oh Skylar! I'm so sorry everything happened between you two... But I've been waiting for a chance since third year!" She hugged me and I let out a small laugh and pat her back.

"Go for it, Hermione" I said.

"So, who is it you're madly in love with?" She questioned, causing me to blush like mad

"You have to promise you won't say anything Hermione..." I stated. I really didn't want to say anything, but I felt that I could trust her.

"I promise" she said, a grin playing on her lips.

The Price of Love • Draco Malfoy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now