Chapter Nine

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Dipper's POV:

As Wirt held me close, I also began to sob. The thought of Mabel watching as I was dying flooded my mind. Although we weren't dead yet it felt as if we were.... Helpless.

We sat on the ground rocking slowly. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair. He traced my birthmark. "Its funny how my favorite constellation was always the big dipper. Coincidence? No, it was a sign in the stars." He spoke smoothly and imaginatively.

I did not respond unless you count weeping pathetically.

After some time he spoke again. "Whatever happens I'll be right by your side."

"What if-"

"We could spend hours asking what if questions. I know its hard, trust me, I know. Remember, the more doubtful we become the easier it is for the beast to claim you."

"I know..." I miserably sobbed harder.

"I'm sorry, that probably wasn't a very good thing to say. I don't really know what to tell you, I am not an optimist."

"You don't have to be.."

"But I hate seeing you like this... I feel like I have to comfort you."

"Just being in your arms feels safe." I sniffled as the tears slowed.

"I won't let go jack!" He dramatically referenced Titanic.

I laughed slightly. "Okay, well we should get to bed.."

"I guess that's a good idea if we have to wake up early to get out of here." He agreed.

He stood up and offered me a hand. He pulled me up and into him for another tight hug. We flopped down on the bed as he cradled me in his arms. "I don't want to leave..." He sighed.

"What? What about Greg?!"

"I mean, I want to leave the unknown, but I don't want to go home..."

"Why not?"

"Because we just moved to Piedmont this summer and I haven't met anyone... I miss my old house and my old friends. And what about us?"

"Wait... Piedmont, California?" I got really exited.

"Yeah why?"

"I live there!!"

"What?! No way! Wait, I thought you lived in Gravity Falls..."

"No, Grunkle Stan lives there. We visit in the summer."

"What high school are you going to?"

"Piedmont High School, the only high school in town."

"Oh that's right... Sorry, I don't know the town yet. We have barely even unpacked."

"Well, I can help. I'm super excited that we live in the same town!"

"Me too! Hey, I have an idea... You know how my family was taking a road trip when Greg and I got lost? Well, my parents will come to pick us up and maybe they could pick you and Mabel up too. Like we could all ride back to Piedmont together!" He was really giddy and excited, which was adorable.

"Would your parents let you?"

"Most likely... My step dad is always trying to get me to make more friends."

"How will your parents react to us?"

"I'm not sure... I don't think negatively. They would just be surprised." He shrugged.

"Yeah I think the same for my family."

"Well, we should get to bed. Good night Dipper, I love you." He kissed my birthmark.

"Alright, good night. I love you too."

In the morning Anna woke us up. "Um, sorry to wake you but breakfast is ready."

"Oh, that's alright we need to get up early anyways." I explained sitting up. "I'm ready to leave these woods."

"Beware the beast, fear the unknown!"

"You sound like your father." Wirt teased.

"Yeah? Well, the beast is not to be trifled with."

"I know, I know. What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, bacon, and oatmeal."

"Wirt, I really want to get home." I told him in hopes of skipping breakfast.

"While breakfast does sound tempting, we really need to get out of here." Wirt explained.

"Oh, I see. Be safe!" Anna said waving us goodbye.

"Beware the beast, fear the unknown!" The Woodsman shouted as we left.

"Thanks we will." Wirt called. "Alright, ready to go home?"

"Yeah. I want to get out of here." I interlaced my fingers into his.


"So, you play clarinet?"

"Yes... Do you play an instrument?" He seemed embarrassed to admit.

"Yeah, I play the sousaphone."

"Really that's cool. Does Piedmont High School have a band?"

"Yeah- wait do you hear that?" I stopped in my tracks.

"Hear what?" He asked stopping as I did.

"That! Wait, hold on..." We both went completely silent.

Far off and barely inaudible we heard an eerie melody. "Sorrow and fear are easily forgotten. As you submit to the soil of the earth."

Lost Without You (Pinescone)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora