The Return

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A lone figure stood on a ledge outside of a cave near the top of Mount Silver, the figure was dressed in in dark blue boots,black pants,a black long sleeve shirt with a padded button up vest on top, blue gloves with a small orb each, adorned his hands, as well as a blue cross between a Fedora and a Robin Hood hat with a snow white feather. To top it of , the figure had on a blue cloak and a staff in hand, two figures existed the cave, one a bipedal black and blue jackal like Pokemon, the other a bipedal orange and creme bird like Pokemon.

The figure was alerted to a bird coming near the cave as a TalonFlame land on his shoulder, a note strapped to its leg, the figure grabbed the note which read

Dear Phantom

It has been a long time since we last conversed, I along with Scott happily extend you an invitation to the first ever
MASTER CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE. It will take place at the Indigo plateau in a week's time. We hope that you see this as a chance to prove those who are against you wrong

Sincerely Mr.GoodShow

P.S. It wasn't your fault Ash

The figure now identified as Ash turned to Lucario and Blaziken,"Lucario go inform everyone else, Blaziken go saddle up Rapidash and tell Zapdos that it's time, I'll be in shortly ". Both Pokemon went off to do their assigned task, Ash crumpled up the letter and walked into the rather large cave with TalonFlame on his shoulder. Ash saw all his Pokemon or last his new and true friends ready to go. There was Gallade,Gardevoir,Infernape,Rapidash,TalonFlame,Lucario, Gyrados,Blaziken, Garchomp,Dragonite,Zoroark,Haxorus,Zapdos,Milotic,Greninja,Croagunk,Mewtwo,Aerodactyl,Houndoom,Dewgong,Tyranitar,Tyrantrum,Noivern,Absol,Metagross,Weavile,Aggron,Deoxys,Rhyperior, Volcanion,Crobat,Regirock,Regice,Registeel,Regigigas,Electivire,Kyurem,Wailord,Manaphy, Kyogre,Groundon,Mantine, Crawdaunt,Scizor, all the eeveelutions and Charizard.

Ash looked at his Pokemon and said " Everyone, today is the day , the day that we return to prove those traitors wrong. We leave at dawn, so everyone get a good night's sleep. I will make an entrance worthy of an Aura Guardian, Zapdos I need you to create a thunder storm near the Indigo Plateau but also around the ocean close to it. Blaziken we'll work on the move purifying mist for we need for tomorrow's entrance, Rapidash I will be riding so be ready".

With that Ash went to bed hoping that tomorrow would go as planned.

---------------------TIME LAPSE------------------

The moment Ash got up, he returned all his Pokemon except for Croagunk who sat on Ash's right shoulder, TalonFlame who sat on his left shoulder, Lucario,Blaziken, Zapdos and Rapidash. Ash got dressed in the clothes from the previous day and grabbed a black messenger bag which contained his pokeballs, he walked up to Rapidash who had a black saddle with the crest of the Aura Guardians. He hopped on Rapidash as Talon and Zapdos flew out and Blaziken and Lucario took of while using the move Purifying Mist and leaving a thick trail of fog that began to spread out. Ash cracked the reigns and Rapidash sped out of the cave and down the mountain into the direction of the Indigo Plateau.

Pretty soon Ash met up with Lucario, Blaziken, Zapdos and TalonFlame at the coastline, he could see the Indigo Plateau just beyond the horizon. "Zapdos time for a thunder storm, Lucario and Blaziken, use Purifying Fog. Lucario be sure to transfer aura into Blaziken so both if you can run across the water while using the move. I'll do the same with Rapidash".

Zapdos flew high into the sky as it focused on a thunder storm appearing. Lucario and Blaziken waited patiently until the storm reached its peak, Lucario and Blaziken took off running across the water while using Purifying Fog causing fog to spread out over the water. Ash cracked the reigns again while transferring aura into Rapidash which allowed Rapidash to run on water as if running on land.

-Mean while on the Indigo Plateau-

Brock and all of Ash's old regional traveling friends were just coming out of the Pokemon Center when they noticed the storm clouds ,and thick fog rolling in from the north. The winds soon picked up and it began poor, Pikachu who had been on Max's right shoulder sensed that this was not a natural storm. Ash's old Sceptile who chose Max as his trainer popped out of its Pokeball sensing a strong presence nearing the island.

Pretty people were running to the railing near the northern edge of the island, Brock and company ran to the railing and saw something only thought about in myths. They saw an Aura Guardian riding a Rapidash across the water with a Croagunk on his shoulder and a TalonFlame flying above him using Brave Bird to keep up with them. They kept heading for the island until they got about a mile away, at which Rapidash jumped up , flying over the railing and crowd and landing near the Pokemon Center.

Ash got off Rapidash just as Blaziken and Lucario appeared, he recalled Rapidash and was about to walk into the Pokemon Center but was blocked by Max, Pikachu and Sceptile."So you think your all that just because you play dress up as some fairytale guardian, well guess what, you can't register until you beat me which you won't ".

Ash sighed in annoyance but nodded and said " Lucario you and Croagunk are to battle this nuisance ". Croagunk jumped off Ash's shoulder while Lucario walked forward. Max smirked "Pikachu ThunderBolt,Sceptile use LeafBlade", 'Lucario block LeafBlade with BoneRush the use Close Combat, Croagunk Dodge then use Focus Punch', no one had heard the mysterious aura guardian call out and yet here his Lucario blocking LeafBlade with BoneRush,while Croagunk easily dodged ThunderBolt then got in close and used Focus Punch. Both Pikachu and Sceptile were throttled back , Pikachu fainting the moment the Focus Punch landed, Sceptile staggered slightly but stood up tall, Ash smirked 'Lucario it is time to show them true power, don't you agree'.

Lucario nodded as he put a paw on the small pendant around his neck while smirking, Ash smirked and held up his right glove and pressed the orb. Suddenly Lucario was engulfed in a bright light, Brock , Misty and Clemont knew what was happening seeing as most gym leaders were supposed to know about mega evolution. Ash smirked as Mega Lucario let out a menacing growl while taking a fighting stance 'Lucario Extreme Speed into Focus Punch then into Close Combat'. Lucario nodded and ran at Sceptile with amazing speed then as he got close he punched Sceptile in the gut causing him to go airborne. Lucario jumped up and began repeatedly and quickly punching Sceptile then ax kicked to the ground below while landing safely.

Max snarled angrily and recalled both Pokemon then ran at Ash with a fist cocked back, Ash smirked and the moment Max got near him, he swept kicked Max onto the ground. The group surrounded Ash and began to shout at him, suddenly Brock punched Ash in the face causing him to stagger.

Suddenly Officer Jenny appeared and saw Ash staggering, Lucario grew angry and blasted them back with Screech. Ash stood up just as Officer Jenny walked towards them "What the hell is going on here and why is that young man with the glasses on the floor", Ash handed Officer Jenny a small slip of paper which read

Ash 'Phantom' Ketchum
DoB. April 1, 1982
Occupation: Official Aura Guardian of Kanto,Johto,Hoenn, and Sinnoh
Authorized to engage criminal syndicates, assist law enforcement, and assess situations in which public safety is concerned
Authorized by
Cynthia Shinora

Officer Jenny then shook his hand , " I'm sooo sorry Phantom sir, what was the incident that occurred here". Ash nodded and explained the incident, she looked at the group in disgust "Assaulting such a high ranking official is against the law , your lucky Phantom here decided to be lenient and not press charges". Ash smirked and walked to the Pokemon Center leaving everyone scared and confused.

Return Of The BetrayedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora