"Who are you?" I ask, my eyes still closed.
"As I said before. It doesn't really matter." She says and I hear another pair of footsteps coming into the room
"What are we going to do with her?" I slowly sit up and open my eyes
'Dylan' my head yells at me. It racks my brain. I hold my head in defiance. My head is pounding. My once open eyes are now close as if that would help at all.
"I need to go lay down in my room." I say as I get up. I wobble but slowly make it down the hall. Half way down the hall I collapse onto my hands and knees in pain. My back and head are killing me. Literally. I groan as I slowly get up. I lean against the cold wall and make my way to the room. I slowly open it, when I get in I take off the shirt and leave the purple underarmer on. I slowly make my way to the bed to be met with coldness. My head has calmed down. My back has stayed the same.
"Here." I hear a boy say. I slowly open my eyes to see a guy around my age. Maybe 16. I focus on his hand that holds a pill and water. I cautiously take them both. I swallow the pill and drink the water. He slowly sits on the bed.
"Why?" I ask
"I can't answer that."
"Can you answer why you didn't help me when I was yelling your name?"
"My job isn't to save you. You have to deal with your own problems. It isn't my fault your dad killed her brother."
"I don't even know who her brother was. She doesn't tell me anything!" I yell. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and throw him into the wall. "Let. Me. Out." I growl.
He smirks, "and what's the little baby gonna do about it if I don't?" He says coming over to me pushing and pinning me into the wall. I try to move out of his grip. Finally I get out and run for the door.
"Not today princess." He says and grabs my jacket, pulling me back. Putting me into a bear hug. He lifts me up pushing all the air out of me. My vision blurs but I regain it after a few seconds. Each time he lifts me up each time I loose my sight for longer and longer. Each time I can't breathe. Each time I wanna get out. each time I loose more and more hope.
I slowly close my eyes and let my body go limp. He lets go after one more lift up and I fall to the ground on my back. I take deep breathes as I try and get my strength back.
"So princess. Whatcha gonna do about it?" He asks stepping on my stomach. I groan out in pain.
"What do you want?" I ask again rolling onto my stomach about to get up.
"It's not about what I want. It's about what you are going to do." He says kicking my in the center of my back. I go down and curl up in a ball. I groan out in extreme pain.

I look up at his figure. My vision blurry. "What do you want me to do?" I ask quietly.
"You will listen to her. No matter what. And you will not tell her about this conversation. If I see or hear you step out of line. I will do more pain than just a bruised hip." He says. But before I can say anything he kicks me in the head and I am out.
I slowly wake up and I see the girl, whatever her name is standing over me. I groan as pain shoot through me.
"What happened?" I asked
"I was going to ask you the same question." She hissed and grabbed my arm dragging me inside.
"Why was I outside? How did I get outside?" I asked scared.
"Go to your room. Now." She hissed.
"Answer my question." I hissed back. She smirked and punched me in the stomach. I went straight down coughing.
"Go. Now." She hissed. I slowly got up and went to the room they had for me.
I heard yelling and things crashing. Then footsteps. Keys rattling. Then the door opened Dylan was right there. Bag in hand. He walked towards the bed I had now claimed as mine.
"I told you and warned you to listen to her. And what do you do? You disobey her." He says pulling out handcuffs. I get up and make a run for the only lockable door in this room, the bathroom. I make it to the door but as I am about to close it. I am being pulled back my the collar of my shirt. I'm thrown to the ground and handcuffed behind my back. He drags me to the bed and throws me onto it.
"I warned you." He hisses. He gets on top of me un-cuffing me. He quickly cuffs my hands to the dashboard. He does the same with my feet on the bottom of the bed. He gets off of me. He cracks his knuckles and pulls my shirt up to my bra. He kneels next to me and punches my stomach. I cave in taking a deep breathe in. He continues to punch my stomach. After eternity (10 minutes) he stops punching my stomach continually. I'm trying to stay awake but it's really hard. Everything I breathe I hurt so much. He touches my stomach and I groan in pain.
"P-please stop.." I whisper.
"Why should I listen to you when you didn't listen to me or her? Hu?" He says pushing on my dark purple bruised stomach.
"I'm sorry. Okay! I promise I won't do it again. I promise" I say hissing in pain. I try so hard to curl into a ball but it's impossible. "Please. I'm sorry." I whisper.
He laughs and punches me for another 2 minutes. He unlocks the cuffs and I just lay there. Eyes closed. Body limp. Barely breathing. He touches my stomach and I flinch but don't move. I'm in too much pain to move.
"Jade?" He says. And someone comes in. I hear a chuckle and footsteps leaving.
"You should have listened to his warning." She whispers in my ear and punches my stomach. I cave in and roll into a ball. I don't come out of the ball an hour. Finally they leave me alone after 'Jade' puts a blanket on me. After a couple hours I fall asleep.

I hear someone unlock and open the door. I'm too tired to open my eyes or move.
"She's still out." Jade says.
"Well. You go and get her a shake and I'll wake her." Dylan replies walking over to me. "Wake up princess." He whispers. I don't move. "I'm gonna ask you again. Wake up." He hisses. His hand on my arm squeezing it tightly. I whimper and slowly open my eyes.
"What?" I whimper out. He lets go chuckling. He punches me in the stomach. I cave in and groan. I hold my stomach in pain curling up into a ball.

Pain. One shotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu