"Rose wait I..."He began.I just shook my head and shut the door behind me.I saw Caroline's car with her behind the wheel and Jeremy beside her in the passenger seat.They parked and headed towards me.

"Is everyone in there"Jeremy questioned when he and Caroline got closer

"Yea"I said

"Ok"He said heading toward the house

"What's wrong"She questioned and I told her the whole story about Anastasia.

"I don't see why your upset.Isn't it a good thing that we could get Elena to come back"She questioned me as we sat on the drive way

"Yea,but the Salvatore men think I shouldn't go"I said bitterly

 "That is ridiculous;first you find a way to bring back you sister and then they don't let you help"she said clearly pissed off.

"Finally someone who understands"I groaned

"Well look who it is"she said in a bitter tone glancing behind me.I turned around to see Justin which caused me to roll my eyes and turn back around.

"Could I talk to Rose in private"He asked

"She can't right now Bonnie needs her"Caroline said standing up while glaring at him.I stood up and dusted off my jeans and Caroline and I walked up to the house with Justin trailing behind.

We walked inside the house to see everyone talking in the living room.I saw Justin sit down with a space next to him;he was probably thinking I would sit there since there were no available seats left. I just rolled my eyes and sat next to Bree on the floor.

"So how many cars do we need"Stefan questioned

"Lets see Caroline,Bonnie,Bree,Justin,and you and I are going so we should split up in two or three cars"Damon said.

"I am going too"I stated glaring at Damon

"No your not"He said

"It wasn't a question Damon. I am going and you are not stopping me"I said harshly

"Justin tell your little girlfriend here that she isn't coming"Damon said nonchalantly to Justin.

"Rose...."He began but I cut him off

"I can't believe you"I said standing up "You know how important my sister is to me... I just can't believe you"I said and saw regret in his eyes. I just walked out the door.I quickly imagined myself as a girl with brown hair and a tan and jogging clothes on so no one would notice me or come after me.

I ran at vamp speed to the mansion and jumped in through my window.I looked the window and shut the curtains and locked the door to my room.

I found my iPod dock in my room and placed my iPod on it and played Anklebiters by Paramore and had it blasting through the room.

I walked into my closet and removed clothes from the left side of it.I previously asked Klaus if he had a work out room in the mansion.He said he didn't but there was a secret room hidden in my closet that he could have workout stuff placed in to it.

I opened the door and walked through; it was my first time inside there and it was amazing. Punching bags were hanging from the walls, patting was covering the ground and weights and a weight lifting bench was in the corner.There were other machines that I didn't know the names of all around the room.

I found a cabinet and looked into it curious to see what it held.when I first opened it I saw a black tank top and red basketball shorts hanging from the inside doors of the cabinet.I imagine myself back to normal and quickly changed into the tank top and shorts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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