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Jade's POV

We all had great fun at the beach, it's really fun hanging out with Nate and his friends.
After our amazing day out we all went home, Zoe decided to stay over at mine .

"What do you wanna do today, I mean you've been to see your mum and and Sarah isn't home either. Wanna come over to my place or something." Zoe complains.

"Or we could watch pretty little liars and make some popcorn and chill." I flash a smile.

"Great idea you grab the popcorn and I will sort out the movie, it's in your desk drawer right." Zoe shouts.

"Yep." I say popping the p.

We made our selfs comfortable on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn between us. We were about 5 minutes into the movie when my phone goes off.
I Pick it up and read them texts, they were all from Nate.

Jade do u wanna go out for lunch, only me and u?

U can call it a friends day out.😊

I was gob smacked I didn't know what to say, was Nate fucking Maloley asking me out on a date.

"Zoe." I whispered.

"Zoe." I said out slightly louder.

"What's your problem man." She turns to me annoyed.

"Nate just asked me to go out to lunch. What shall I say?" I said to her calmly.

"No, fucking way." She shouted stuffing popcorn into her mouth.

"Yes, now what shall I say, it was supposed to be a me and you day." I said in a upset tone.

"It don't matter about us, but this my friend is a chance not everyone gets you have to say yes." She yelled at me.

"Geez, Zoe he is being friendly ok, he wouldn't like me in a million years, I mean come on I was a fucking attention seeking bitch, I made out with nearly every guy in school and, why would he choose me out of all those beautiful girls in school. He is only being a good friend." I made it clear.

"Yeah, ok, give me your friendly lecture later, but you have to reply saying yes." She beams

"Ok, wait." I say unlocking my phone.

Ok Nate
When tho?

Within the next to 2 minutes I got a reply.

K be ready in the next 20 minutes i am coming to pick ya up.😊

"He said he is coming in 20 minutes." I said sounding panicked.

"Come on I will help,you get ready." Zoe claps her hands.

I go up stairs and I open my closet when Zoe pushes me out the way and decides to pick out the outfit for me. After 5 minutes of her browsing through my closet she finally picks out, a white crop top, high waisted jeans, and a long blue coat.
She picks up the curler and starts curling my hair as I applied nude lipstick.

"Wait, I forgot the shoes." She remembers.

She walks to my rack of shoes/heals and gives me white stilettos.

"There, you look perfect." Zoe screeches.

After 5 minuets of Zoe telling me of how amazing I look, and how to act in front of him, the door bell rings and I literally just pause in my position.
I slowly make my way down stairs,and hold on tight to the railings incase I fall.

I open the door with my eyes catching a glimpse of a handsome Nate standing before me. He looked really hot(what the fuck are you thinking Jade, its fucking Nate Maloley your talking about of course he is gonna look hot) he was wearing skinny black jeans with a white shirt and black boots.

"Hey, are you umm... Ready." Nate says scratching the back of his head.

"Yep, she is ready to go ." Zoe spoke for me.

I literally didn't say a word I walked out the house and sat in the car quietly, the atmosphere was so tense you could barely cut it with a knife.

"Um you are looking beautiful." Nate said trying to make convo.

"You are not looking too bad yourself." I blushed.

Holy mother of green beans. Did I just blush.

I shook my self back to reality and asked "Nate where are we going."

"Well, that is for me to know and you to find out." He replied.


Nate's POV

I took Sammy's advice, he said that the more closer you become with the person the more he/she will start to be open with you and I wasn't trying to be nosy I just wanted her to finish the sentence she started.

I don't mind being around her, And I am not using her just to find things out, she is upset, life isn't the best for her at the moment, and I don't mind being the person to make her feel better. Jade is actually a really nice girl.

Sorry guys if u think tht this chapter is shitty.
But i am hoping tht the next one will make up for it.

Plz do
Vote and share bye guys

And. A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope tht this year brings happiness to everyones lives.

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