1: Finally A Grad

Start from the beginning

Then his phone rang. He tucked the vial under his chin and grabbed the cell phone from his hidden pockets. It was his best friend, Gwen Stacey. "Hey, um, I' sorry I'm a bit late. I got stuck in some, uh, some traffic."

"Dude, you're timing is terrible. It started already." Gwen's voice was quiet and it was clear to him that she was whispering.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Where are you?" she questioned.

"First and Broadway, Second and Broadway, Third and Broadway. Uh, five minutes, ten tops." Gwen was quiet for a second.

"Are those sirens?" Spider-Man looked around, realizing he was in fact on an NYPD truck with NYPD cruisers racing along beside him toward the hijacked truck.

"No," he lied.

"Peter," she said sternly. "Peter."

"No, so sirens," he attempted even though the sirens blazing around him were hard to miss. "No sirens."

"Peter," Gwen's voice trailed off. "Peter? Hello?" Gwen said sharply, snapping him back into reality. "Peter."

"I'll be right there, I promise." He ended the call. Peter finally webbed to a building and swung his way to the black truck, landing on the hood. The criminal driving the truck groaned.

"Hello. I told you I am running a bit late." The guy hit a button and windshield wiper fluid sprayed Spider-Man in the face, the windshield wipers running. "Really?" He ripped the windshield wipers off the car and tossed them into the street. He then began to punch the windshield, cracking it, but not enough. They were approaching a bus and behind the bus were two people crossing the street, oblivious to the events. The front of the truck crashed into the side of the bus - not hard enough to kill but hard enough to hurt - and Spider-Man made a split second decision, jumping off the truck and over the bus, quickly shooting a web to a lamppost to hold the last vial of plutonium. He landed on the other side of the bus and dug his feet into the ground, pushing all his weight against the bus to stop it front crashing into the two innocent people.

He stopped the bus. He looked up through the window and checked to see that the people inside were all okay. They grinned and waved at him, completely dismissing the fact that they all could have died because hey that's Spider-Man and he just saved their lives.

Spider-Man's work was not finished, however. The two pedestrians he saved, a man and his daughter, thanked the red and blue suited man before he shot a web to a building and swung away to catch the man who had been driving the truck. He spotted him running, the last vial of plutonium in hand. He must have grabbed it from the web, thought Spidey. The man had his gun with him and Spider-Man decided it was working again because the guy started firing at him.

Spider-Man dodged the bullets expertly and landed next to the guy, snatching the gun and the vial from him saying, "I'll take that. That's not yours," and proceeding to mess with the guy. He whistled a tune, the 'Spider-Man theme', as he webbed the man's two hands. They were crossed in front of his chest and two of Spidey's webs went from each of his hands to a building on either side of the street.

He tossed the machine gun into the air and, just to entertain himself, shot two webs at the guy's pants and pulled them down. With the vial of plutonium in hand, he walked away still whistling. The man yelled, "This is not end, Spider!" Spider-Man just gave him a wave and walked away. Behind him, the machine gun came down and hit the guy right in the head, knocking him out.


Peter reached the park where the graduation ceremony was being held and quickly changed into a t-shirt, shorts, and his Midtown High blue robes over that. He reached the ceremony just as they called his name.

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