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By: Metamorcy.

Chapter 1

Summary: Reborn hadn't thought that finding a small human child outside in the cold during his daily prowls for food would lead him to take the child home and nurture him. It was a strange thing, him being a demon that eats beings like this child. So what made him do such a thing in the first place? And what will come out of this? Demon!Reborn

Pairing: Eventual R27

Rating: M

Chapter 1

Reborn glanced around the crowded street, his eyes searching for something among the crowd – for that perfect person. He was picky, he wanted to make sure that his next meal had all of what he was searching for, it helped to strengthen the taste. His eyes peered over each woman, each male, everyone carefully, making sure to not miss a single thing. Regardless, all he found was repulsive, everything appeared horrid and rotten. Then, he found a section where it was more promising. For a moment, his dark onyx eyes flashed yellow as his hunger began to grow. There were so many tasty-looking individuals around the area, perfect to satisfy him for the next two or three weeks.

'There!' His eyes peered at a single individual towards the back, a woman who was clearly flirting with two men over the counter at a side restaurant. She had golden hair, a foreigner in a sea of Japanese black and brown. The woman shot the men a brilliant bewitching smile, catching them in her seductive lure and reducing them to a drooling mess of lovesick puppies; to them she was a goddess. Despite it being winter she had left gracious amounts of her skin revealed, keeping the men's eyes trailing over her body. There was no doubt that her seductive abilities had been refined over countless years.

Reborn smirked and moved to stand beside the alluring woman. He tilted his fedora towards the side and spoke his greeting, "Chaos."

The woman peered over to him instantaneously, the lust clear in her deep green eyes, and shifted away from the two men behind the counter. There was no hesitation in that action, no second thoughts. It was clear that between the two of them and Reborn's good looks the men had nothing to offer. Reborn's deep bass on top of that, could make any woman or man succumb to his will, it was the perfect lure. Getting people to fall right into the palm of his hands was far too easy - it wasn't even worth the effort. The woman stepped closer, wrapping her arms around Reborn's right arm and cuddled up, rubbing her breasts purposefully against the limb. "Well hello there, handsome. Looking for a date?"

"Actually, yes, I am." Reborn smirked and tilted his head to the side, making his sideburns bounce. The shadow of the fedora he was wearing followed the movement, shading one eye while leaving the other open. It made him look so appealing to wandering eyes, a few passersby heading down the path stopped to stare. "Are you willing to offer?"

"For an extremely handsome man like yourself I'm more than willing," She giggled a high pitched titter as she kept herself attached and instantly leaned against the man happily. The two men beside them peered at the two scornfully before hatefully glaring at Reborn, knowing he had stolen their would-be date. However, they were smart enough to know when not to compete. They were simply nowhere near as good-looking as Reborn. The woman continued to smile with her red cherry lips. "Aren't you cold, handsome? You're not really dressed for the winter." The woman was absolutely right - Reborn wasn't dressed for the season. He was wearing his usual two-piece suit with the yellow undershirt and his typical fedora with the yellow band placed evenly on top of his spiky black hair. It wasn't enough to protect himself against the cold, not when it was snowing so heavily. Everyone else was dressed thickly in warm coats, trying to protect themselves both from the temperature and the chill of the melting snow upon their clothes. In certain areas, it was easy to see that some of the snow had gotten knee-deep, burying the land in white. The woman herself had a heavy coat despite the heels and revealing clothes underneath.

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