Chapter 24 - ***REVISED***

Start from the beginning

"When do we set off?" Breanne repeated. She could not go through it again. Her mourning would be done in England, and she would not wait until his body was recovered, or put herself through the agony of surrounding herself with his family, when she'd ungraciously suspected them of Adam's murder the entire time. She chose to put her faith in a stranger, rather than family. If they knew such a thing, would they even wish to shelter her through her time of mourning?

"Brandon thought you might have..." Alla trailed off, lightly rubbing her fingers across the bandage on Breanne's knuckles. "I shall retrieve him for you. I'll return shortly. Are you certain?"

Breanne nodded, her voice quiet but firm. "If Magnus dies on my account...I cannot bear to know it. I wish to leave as soon as possible."


Breanne stared out of the window – the vast sea swelled and dipped, the ship following suit. Two light raps caused her to spin from the view and face the door.

"Enter," she tonelessly uttered.

The door swung open; Brandon and Alla entered.

Breanne watched, expressionless, as Brandon pulled out a chair and sat in it, while Alla sat upon the edge of her bed, a gentle, pensive expression in her eyes.

"Alla stated you wished to see me."

Breanne nodded. "I am sorry I was not able meet with you both earlier..."

Brandon waved her words off – the gesture so painfully familiar that it took every ounce of her remaining strength to not burst into tears again. She'd been in isolation – from everything and everyone – the whole of the trip, she'd spent below deck, within the confines of her room. While the solitude might have drawn others to the brink of madness – Breanne embraced it.

"I meant to inquire of...of the request I put to you before we departed Australia."

"Ah, yes. Though I wholeheartedly disagree with it, I carried out your request to have papers drawn up, both for you to forfeit the property which gold is upon...Breanne..."

Alla sighed. "She knows you are unhappy about that. Please continue Brandon."

Brandon's sharp eyes turned to Alla. "Do not interrupt. It's rude."

Breanne held back a tiny smile; it would have been the first upon her lips since Reese's death.

"Anyhow," Brandon continued. "Those papers along with annulment paperwork shall be sent to us from Australia."

Alla's brows drew together. "Why ever do you require an annulment?" she asked, her gaze switching between Breanne and Brandon.

Brandon's eyes met Breanne's, prompting her to speak. "Because his body has not yet been found, thereby leaving no proof of his death. I wished to tie up all ends and have the forms drawn up until they find—"

"What if he lives, Breanne?" Alla asked in earnest, leaning forward.

"He doesn't."

"Breanne, you cannot—"

"Alla ....please. I've had my share of pain – and am acquainted with the cost of hoping in vain, please do not subject me to it. He does not live. T'was a bag of dynamite in the pit with him. A bag. If by some miracle he did survive, I'd still wish for the annulment. My place is no longer in Australia."


"I suspected him the entire time, Alla. I was...I was so very horrid to him and he bore it with grace and—"

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