Chapter 0

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Okay so personally I believe this story is that good and I would literally love to delete and just re write the whole thing with a new story line but I'm lazy and you guys seem to actually like this version so I won't (lucky bastards) but I'm telling you in advance this was my first book so it would never have been a 'To Kill a Mockingbird Volume 2' so please bare this in mind when reading, please and thank you. For any of my better, more recent books you can always click on my little profile thingy though : )

this book contains a few violent parts towards the end which may or may not (probably not but hey I warned you) make you feel very uncomfortable :/


Where a friendless schizophrenic boy meets a dyslexic girl and everything goes terribly wrong.


Reece King as himself

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Reece King as himself

Unknown as Quella (kw-Ella) Afonso

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Unknown as Quella (kw-Ella) Afonso

SCHIZOPHRENIA [KING]Where stories live. Discover now