The man ask him about his phone call.

"Was that the Boss?"

"Yeah he'll be here in 5 minutes. I'm going up stairs and wait until he gets here."

Ray walks over to the stairs. And turns and looks at the other man.

"Oh and Mark."

So the other guys name is Mark.


"Give the kid a break."

Ray turns and continues up the stairs. Mark looks down at Jake and whispers so Ray can't hear him.

"I think you can handle one more."

Mark takes the brass knuckles off and puts them in his pocket. Mark stands straight up clenching his fists. Faster than anything I've ever seen Mark punches Jake in the face. Jakes head bobs from side to side. I can see blood leaking out from a cut above his eye. Tears roll down my cheeks. How can he take this? It's all my fault. Blood rolls down the side of his cheeks and stops at his chin. Mark walks over to the table with his "tools" on it. And pulls a chair out from under it and sits and looks at me.

"Don't hold your breath girly. Once Boss gets here it's your turn."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's your turn to get a beating instead of him."

I look at Jake. I hear the door open and close up stairs. Their boss must be here. I hear 2 sets of foot steps walking across the floor and now coming down the stairs. The first one down the stairs is Ray the second must be his boss. Their boss has brown hair down to the bottom of his ears and has golden brown eyes. He walks around and looks at Jake.

"How did he handle it? "

"He actually took it really well. He got 2 brass knuckles and a bare fist."

"Hmm, maybe I won't kill him. He might be useful."

After looking at Jake for a little while longer then looks at me.

"And then Ana. I have wanted to meet you sense Ray told me he picked you out."

"Picked me out? What are you talking about?"

Ray walks over and stand next to his boss and looks at me.

"I've been watching you for almost a month."


"I've been watching you, I know that your friend here comes goes to your house almost everyday. I know that you have a little brother and sister. And that your mom leaves for work around 8 and leaves you to watch the kids."

"Why have you been watching me?"

His boss interrupts.

"To make absolutely sure that you are perfect for my cause."

"What's your cause?"

"Oh my dear, you'll find out soon enough." He says with a smirk. He turns and faces Ray and Mark.

"Do you have everything ready for the turning?"

Ray answers.

"Almost boss, just need 2 more things."

"Well what are you waiting for? I'm ready now. Go get them."

"Yes boss."

The 2 men walk up the stairs. And their boss walks over to me again and kneels in front of me looking at the ground and he starts talking.

"I will leave this choice up to you. Do u want ur family to suffer and grieve or have them know your in a better place?"

"What kind of question is that?" I ask. He picks his head up and I look at his eyes. Wait! He has all black eyes. He sees the fear in my eyes and gives me a smirk. He has fangs! This is just like the dream I had about my mom! Oh my god. How is this possible?

"What are you?"

He walks around to the back of my chair and puts his head next to mine. "I'm a vampire. And soon, you are going to be too. So is your friend here."

He he grabs my head and turns it to the side and moves my hair so he can see my bare neck. He brings his head closer I can feel his warm breathe on my neck. What the hell? Is he giving me shots or something? Why am I so light headed? Wait are those his lips on my neck? He pulls his head back. I look at him. He has blood dripping down this mouth. Wait a second! Blood! Did he bite me? He pulls a knife out of his pocket and cuts his hand. My head starts throbbing and it feels like it's gonna explode. He wipes his bloody hand over my neck where he bit me. Damn, that burns really bad. What the hell did he do? Ouch! It feels like something is eating away at my stomach. The man unties my hands and moves me to the hard cement floor. I cant do this anymore. It feels like molten lava running through my veins. I put my hands on my head and I can feel clumps of my hair falling out. I lean over a spit, I see 3 teeth. One of the Only things I liked about my self are now on this nasty ground. I scream out in pain and I can see the corners of my eyes starting to blacken. I turn my head towards Jake and I can see him starting at me. Wow Happy Birthday Ana.

Hey guys hope u like chapter 2, as always I would love comments about the story. Thanks

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