Opposites attract?

Start from the beginning

Of course, RainWings were vegetarians and did not harm these creatures. NightWings were a different story.

A cool breeze blew by, comfortably seeping into Leaf's and Starsearcher's scales as they walked past. Leaf had lived in the rainforest all his life, and had walked ( or slowly flew ) down this path countless times. Every time, something new seemed to bloom, and he would enjoy the walk even more than the last time he came here. Leaf glanced at Starsearcher from the corner of his eye, and saw she was quietly admiring the walk back as well.

He knew she probably used this pathway more than he did, as Starsearcher was constantly at the library, cramming her head with useless facts about different subjects. She would come back to the village, mumbling facts under her breath as if to memorize them.

He remembered how they met, at that same library. She was sitting on a mat made from some sort of animal fur, and in her talons she clutched a scroll about climbing rainforest trees without dying. Leaf had came up to her, and asked if the scroll was any help, just like today when he had asked her about her star research.

Starsearcher had instantly pulled the scroll to her chest, and snarled something about why he was here. Leaf just replied that he was curious about why she needed to climb trees when she could fly.

Starsearcher had instantly flinched at that comment as if someone had ripped her wings apart, and only then he noticed her torn wings.


Leaf didn't know why she didn't light him on fire for being so inconsiderate, maybe it's because she was not used to someone actually caring? Instead, Starsearcher told him about how her wings came to be this way.

Without thinking, Leaf had offered to take her up above the trees, but one condition.

She had to be his friend.

Leaf had a bunch of friends, but it seemed like this lonely, snappy dragon didn't have many. After thinking for quite a while, Starsearcher had finally agreed, and reluctantly told him a bunch of facts about rainforest trees. To him, she seemed shy in an annoyed way, and he admired that.

Later, the sun finally went down in the sky and the moon appeared.

Leaf honored his end of their 'bargain' and they had flown up, her on his back, and landed on a sturdy tree branch. They had talked for the entire night about stars, and Starsearcher was finally getting used to Leaf being around.

They had been this way ever since, and had developed a bond, friendship. And with this friendship, came great responsibilty.

"Leaf? We're here at the village.."


Her voice brought Leaf out of his memories. He looked around, seeing the familiar huts and trees. "We are." He said, copying what she had just told him. Starsearcher rolled her eyes at him.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in a confused manner. "You know, the reason why you wouldn't speak for the entire walk?" She added, raising a dragon-eyebrow. (Don't imagine that, pls.)

"Oh, I was just thinking about how we met at the library." Leaf replied casually. "Why?"

"Just interested." Starsearcher shook his question off rather quickly, like normal. Leaf sighed.
"Anyways, i'm going to head home. I need to take a well-deserved nap" Leaf said, changing his expression to a small smile, imagining his warm nest.

He swore it was calling to him.

"Honestly, you may be the least laziest RainWing here, but you still love your naps." Starsearcher sighed. "Don't forget to wake up before dawn, or I will personally light your shack on fire." She turned away, and winked.

Leaf didn't know if she was joking or not, and that was another scary part of Starsearcher, one of her many qualities.

He turned away, and headed to his shack, opposite from the way she was headed. They did live on opposite sides of the village.

And as they say, opposites attract.

In a friendly way.

// hello again! Still on vacation. I hope you are enjoying the story. Also, did any of you grab my hint in the last A/N? Smarties. Anyways, I have created a cover.. Yay? All of the art there is made by moi, since I don't have any internet to use pictures from websites. Welp, at least i'm finding things to do in my spare time. I do not own Wings of Fire, but I do own the plot and characters, and thanks for reading!

PS. For anime fans, Starsearcher is a bit of a Tsundere. Hehe.

PPS. Criticism is welcome, I am recently starting to write, and would appreciate anything you have to tell me. Notice me senpai. Most of you are probably older than me, but age doesn't matter on my page, it's your level of maturity that counts >.>

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