Chapter 1

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I packed my bags while my assistant constantly nagged at me, begging for something she could do to help.

"For the richest woman in Hollywood, you sure know how to pack a bag."

I never liked for other people to do things for me. I wasn't one of those people. Sure, I was the biggest actress in the world, I made tons of money, I tended to get what I wanted when I wanted it. But, I didn't want to put my assistant Margaret through more work than she had to. Plus, we were leaving later that day to go to Africa. There would be plenty for her to do there since I got her a job as a production assistant. Trust me, those people sure loved bossing people around more than anything.

**later that day**

"Hi, this is Margaret, Marjorie's assistant, where's the car designated to bring Miss Finn to the airport? It was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago," Margaret was practically radiating heat from her anger.

I tapped her on the shoulder and mouthed to her. "Just take me in your car."

I pulled my silk scarf over my shoulder and waltzed to the mirror. I made sure everything was in tact. My blouse, my hair, my lipstick. It was important that I looked good. I wanted to make an impression on the cast and crew. They had to know that I was more than just a Hollywood starlet in chiffon gowns and designer shoes.

Plus, Robert Kingsley would be there. He was only the most handsome man in the country, possibly the world.

"Okay, let's get going." Margaret was nagging again.

"You're right, I must make this Robert Kingsley see my professionalism. Cause who knows? Maybe something spectacular will happen between us." I said, half joking.

When we arrived at the airport, Margaret tried her best to keep her cool. She constantly tugged at her hair as she kept watch of our seven suitcases at the front of the airport, just before check in.

As we waited for the remaining cast and crew to arrive, I spent most of my time talking to the director, Paul Sander.
"Is there anything I should know about defending myself against tigers, lions, or even zebras?" I said, trying to act kind of charming, kind of sweet.

"No, no, no, darling, we will have a wildlife specialist on hand at all times. Don't you worry." He said, touching my nose.

I looked around awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"Who the hell is so late? We have been here for over an hour!" I said, sparking a conversation out of my anxiousness to get to the serene yet wild lands of Africa.

"It's Robert. He, he, had some obligations."

"What kind of obligations?"

"There was an incident last night at The Beverly Hilton." Paul looked off as if he was trying to form a sentence that wouldn't put a dent in anyone's reputation.

"Okay, well, what ever it is can't be much more important than your masterpiece film! Is he ever gonna show up?"

"Yes, here's his limo, I believe." Paul pointed to a long black car that sped up to the drop off of the airport.

A disheveled, awkward, yet muscular and mysteriously handsome Robert Kingsley stepped out of the limo. He had a huge bruise on his forehead. He slipped the driver a few bills. He walked up to the crowd.

"Hello, so sorry I'm late." I could smell the alcohol from twenty feet away.

I walked up to him. "Hi, I'm Marjorie."

I shook his hand.

He looked at me and suddenly I had stars in my eyes. Everything in my life had led up to this one moment where I looked into his eyes and saw my whole life. He held my future. He held my present.

"Hi, I'm Robert. Nice to meet you."
I kept shaking his hand until he turned around and started shaking someone else's.

Wow. I turned around to help Margaret with our seven bags.

This was going to be a fun couple of months.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this far. I'm going to try to post a few parts a week. I know the story's a little slow, but I don't want it to go by super fast. It'll speed up next chapter. Hope y'all are enjoying it so far!

In Your Wildest Dreams (Based on the "Wildest Dreams" Music Video)Where stories live. Discover now