Fight fight fight.... Make-up?

Start from the beginning

"Oh I am. Compared to Sydney, you are sunshine and roses and everything else delightful. He really stepped up." Joe said. "I'm just upset at him for not doing something sooner."

"We can't all make our move right away like Mr. perfect. Seriously can you hear yourself? You sound like the poster child for the perfect man. Can you do anything wrong? Are you even capable of doing something wrong?" Jamie was furious at Joe and his patience was wearing thin.

"I wonder if I should call Danny for back-up..." Eddie mumbled.

"Leave him out of this." Both men said at the same time.

"Oh finally something we both agree upon." Joe said.

"Don't speak to Eddie in that tone." Jamie said.

"You just did. Honestly.... Eddie I'm sorry. Better Jamie?" Joe inquired, in a rather sarcastic tone.

"I can't believe you are behaving like this. A grown man yelling at his brother about his life choices. Just because I don't live my life like you Saint Joseph, doesn't mean my life is not good." Jamie said.

"Saint... oh that's rich. I'm not that high and mighty. Seriously go look in a mirror, you might see regret." Joe hollered.

"Regret... Isn't that what you have for leaving us?" Jamie sliced through the air with a knife and Joe fell silent.

"Jamie you went too far." Eddie said and gave him a stern look.

"Too far... he's... he's... I'm so mad at him. Don't defend him. He's the one saying we shouldn't be dating while we're still partners." Jamie reminded her.

"Yeah but..." Eddie was cut off.

"Just listen to him. He seems to always know what's best for himself anyways. Got it all figured out and he doesn't care what happens to himself. I'm out of here and I'm taking my book with me." Joe huffed and left to go simmer in his room.

"Men..." Eddie trailed off with a sigh, picking up her iPod and turning it on.

Jamie looked over at Eddie and noticed she had already turned her music on. "Oh fine. Tune me out." Jamie said in a frustrated tone.

"Don't you start with me mister. Now call your Dad or else." Eddie said in a firm tone.

Jamie grumbled and picked up the phone, dialing his Dad's cell phone number.

Jamie waited all of two rings, before Frank answered the phone. "I wasn't aware we had a meeting. Is something wrong Jamie?" Frank asked.

"This is official business. I need the commissioner for this one." Jamie replied.

"Very well. What can I do for you officer Reagan?" Frank asked.

"You can start by hearing me out completely before getting mad." Jamie replied.

"I already don't like the sound of this, but I can agree to that." Frank said.

"Where do I start.... Well I guess I should tell you I have feelings for my partner and they have progressed to a relationship. I broke protocol and a million rules and I'm just praying at the end of the day, that the Commissioner/ my Dad won't be too mad at me and will forgive me for my terrible choices." Jamie said.

"Jamie... How can you tell me all of that and expect me not to be mad. You broke protocol." Frank said.

"Yeah, but I love her. I really love this woman." Jamie defended.

"I know and while I think that's great, you still broke the rules. I have to suspend you both. Can't have anyone accusing me of favoritism." Frank said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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