Spend forever with me

Start from the beginning

Joe did some cleaning around the apartment all morning, then he went out and did some shopping in Chinatown. He got a bunch of fresh vegetables and some nice steak, deciding to cook dinner for Jamie. He then texted Jamie and said "Invite Officer Janko to dinner at the apartment tonight. I'm cooking for you guys. Call it a date on me."

"What?!? Joe no." Jamie texted him back.

"Invite her, or I will tell Dad you're dating your partner." Joe texted.

"Okay. I'll invite her, please don't tell Dad." Jamie texted.

"I wasn't going to, I just really want you to have a nice dinner with her." Joe texted.

"Okay I have to get back to work. Thanks Joe. Eddie says yes by the way. I just asked her." Jamie texted.

"Great. Dinner should be ready by the time you finish shift, and it won't take you two long to get here." Joe texted.

"Thanks. Great. Getting back to work now. Love you." Jamie texted.

"Love you too." Joe texted back, before he went to pay for all the groceries.

Back on patrol, "Sorry about that. Joe wanted to cook us dinner." Jamie said.

"That's okay. I love to eat, and I'm excited to try his cooking anyways." Eddie said.

"He's a great cook. He's a better cop though." Jamie commented.

"I bet he is." Eddie said. "Do you think when he works with us, we will help him, like we help Danny?" Eddie asked.

"Probably. I mean that makes sense. I think even more than Danny, because he would be from our house." Jamie reasoned in reply.

They continued to walk down the street, patrolling the area and watching for signs of trouble.

Joe had just gotten back to the apartment and inside, when the phone rang. "Hello?" Joe answered.

"Joe it's me Erin. I need a favor. I can't pick up a dessert for Sunday dinner this week, and I was wondering if maybe you could bake something." Erin replied.

"I can bake something. Busy week?" Joe asked.

"You have no idea. Speaking of which my next appointment is here. Gotta go. Love you." Erin said.

"Love you too Er." Joe said, before hanging up the phone.

Joe put away the food and got himself a glass of water, before deciding to have an afternoon nap. 'You earned it. You cleaned and bought groceries.' Joe thought.

Joe drank the water, then set an alarm on his phone, before crashing out on the window seat.

3 hours later, Joe's alarm went off and he woke up. He had a big stretch, followed by a big yawn, and it was quite the sight. He was really tall, and when he laid down on the window seat, he could almost touch end to end. He had a bit of space to play around with, but not much. Jamie had laughed the other day about that. Joe had found it rather humorous too. 'Time to cook dinner for the lovely couple.' Joe thought as he migrated to the kitchen.

Joe pulled out the various vegetables, and the steak and started prepping them. He washed the vegetables, the proceeded to chop them into smaller pieces. He then sliced the steak into thin strips, and made a quick asian stir fry sauce. He got the water and rice going in a covered pot and left it to cook, setting a timer, so it didn't burn. He fried the steak first and cooked it through, before adding the vegetables. He added each vegetable in according to cooking time.

When the stir fry was almost ready, he added the sauce he had made from scratch and mixed everything in the pan. He turned it off and covered it to keep it warm. 'Now to wait for the rice to finish.' Joe thought as he warmed up some tea.

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