Can we play cops and robbers

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That answer seemed to satisfy Joe's curiosity for the moment. "I can make some oatmeal. You used to love that with the brown sugar and walnuts. I know Mom's recipe by heart." Joe felt proud, that he could remember something like that all these years.

"That sounds really good. The chopped walnuts are in the freezer, the brown sugar with the tea, and the oatmeal with the cereal."

Jamie listed where everything was located and Joe got to work making Mom's oatmeal. "I bet you haven't had this in years." Joe said.

"I couldn't remember the recipe and at first, it always tasted funny. It was never the right amount of walnuts, or it was too much brown sugar. I gave up trying, because I didn't want to waste the ingredients." Jamie admitted.

Joe busied himself making breakfast on the stove and carefully made sure not burn the oatmeal. When it was all cooked, he added a half cup of chopped walnuts to the big pot of oatmeal and a third cup of brown sugar. He also added the secret ingredient, which was a few small pinches of cinnamon. 'Poor Jamie, he had the recipe right, he just didn't know about the cinnamon.' Joe thought to himself as he stirred the oatmeal until it was blended. "Do you want milk on yours?" Joe asked.

"Just a touch, I don't like when the milk cools it down really fast." Jamie replied.

Joe served the oatmeal and added the milk, before placing it in front of Jamie. Just then the door was pounded on. "Jamie open up." Danny said.

Joe panicked and hid behind the island away from the view of the front door. "Go answer it." Joe said.

Jamie answered the door and Danny came marching in in an angry huff. "Erin said I had to come here for some reason, but she wouldn't tell me. It felt like you two were keeping secrets again." Danny expressed in a frustrated voice.

"That's because they were keeping secrets. My secret to be exact." Joe said from behind the island.

Danny couldn't see him, but he recognized the voice anywhere. "Jamie this isn't funny. Playing a trick on me like this, and getting Erin in on it. Did you guys record Joe and plan to trick me years later. I'm hurt...." Danny trailed off in an angry tone.

Joe popped up and Danny nearly fell over. "Would you like some of Mom's oatmeal?" Joe asked walking into the kitchen.

"No I don't want oatmeal!" Danny started but then amended himself. "Wait did you say Mom's? Alright serve me some, but then I want some explaining." Danny commanded.

Danny was very upset as he sat across from Joe. He didn't understand anything, and nothing was explained yet. This felt like torture, and he couldn't wait until it was over. Danny ate the oatmeal and he almost lost all his anger in that moment. It was just the way Mom made it and he wondered if she was secretly alive too. Danny was smart though and he remembered watching Mom in the hospital. 'How could Joe do this to me. In one breathe he leaves me, and in the next he comes back and makes Mom's oatmeal like it's no big deal. I just don't get him. I want a thorough explanation.' Danny thought internally.

Joe sensed something was wrong, because Danny kept stabbing his spoon into his oatmeal. 'I think I broke him too. Sigh....' Joe thought. "So how is work?" Jamie asked Danny, trying to make small talk, anything to diffuse the growing anger.

"Work is fine. Busy as usual. Caught a big case." Danny replied.

"And how is Maria doing?" Jamie asked.

"What is this kid, 20 questions? Maria is fine, although she recently came down with a cold. She hasn't felt like herself, and she has been drinking all this strange herb tea. I have to order it for her when we are out driving." Danny commented.

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