No Walk in the Park

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"She seems more fascinated by you than me," he said, "just stick to that side."

They approached her and were about to walk past when she grabbed Caine's wrist.

"You're a long way from home, vampire," she said, her voice a gentle whisper.

Caine shook his head, "I am closer than you think."

The woman - the witch - snorted and nodded her head to let them pass. Caine didn't take his eyes off of her until they'd passed completely.

"What was that about?" Evelyn asked.

"Nothing," Caine said, "she knows who I am."

Evelyn tilted her head, "Is that a good or a bad thing."

He sighed, "It depends on what she intends to do with the information but I doubt it's an entirely bad thing."

"How can you be sure of that?"

He smiled, "She looked friendly."

Evelyn stopped walking, "You're basing your opinion entirely on the fact that she looked friendly?"

Caine sighed again, "Of course not, clearly humour is not a strong point of mine."

Evelyn blinked, "Oh. Alright then."

Their walk led to them passing an ice-cream vendor that Evelyn had known since she was a little girl. He'd been there almost every single day ever since she could remember.

"Hello Evelyn," he said.

"Hey Dan," she replied.

"Who's your friend?"

"He's my g... umm... cousin from Romania."

He squinted at Caine's greying hair, "Your cousin?"

Caine nodded, "Her second cousin."

Dan nodded, "Your usual?"

Evelyn smiled. She hadn't ordered a cone from him in ages yet he still remembered. She nodded, "Caine?"

Caine raised his hands, "No thank you, I have... sensitive teeth."

She almost giggled at the statement and she saw his mouth twitch a little. Dan was still squinting at him suspiciously.

"You're wearing an awful lot," he said, "it isn't that cold yet."

Evelyn saw Caine roll his eyes under his dark glasses, "Yes, I'm rather sun and light sensitive."

"You aren't, by any chance allergic to silver too are you?" Dan joked.

Caine put on a dry smile, "Why yes, I am. I suppose you could say I'm rather delicate."

Dan started to smile, he thought Caine was joking, "Well I'll be keeping my stakes and crosses on hand, if you don't mind, sir."

That eerie dry smile was still plastered across Caine's face, "Good idea."

Dan laughed as he handed Evelyn her cone, "Only playing."

Evelyn thought Caine's fangs would slide down any second, "Indeed." Caine produced the necessary amount and put it on Dan's cart, "Good day to you, sir."

"And you."

Evelyn thought it was really creepy that Caine had just admitted to being a vampire and Dan hadn't really suspected a thing. He began walking and she followed.

"That fellow should be careful," he said, "other vampires aren't as... hmm, what's the word? Tolerant? Yes, other vampires aren't as tolerant as I."

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