Chapter 2

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The next day, I got up and got ready for school. I decided to wear a white tank with black high waisted shorts and my red and black flannel. I left my hair natural which was wavy and put on my black beanie and my white high top converse then went inside the bathroom. I applied eyeliner and headed out the door.

When I got to school, I was immediately surrounded by my friends. My best friend Lily hugged me and I winced, my body was still sore from the fighting but I managed to keep up my smile.

"How was your weekend? Omg did you know that Blake and Ashley hooked up at Kim's party?" she said. Lily was an amazing friend but she tended to be quite nosy. She had blonde hair green/gray eyes. In short, she was gorgeous unlike me. I had plain long brown hair and brown eyes.

When the bell rang, we made our way to English and sat in the super back. I began thinking about the guy last night but my thoughts were interrupted when Mrs. Crow started to speak.

"We have a new student who just moved here from California. His name is Ashton Kane, Would you like to say anything?" asked Mrs. Crow. I looked and my jaw dropped. It was the guy from last night!

He just shrugged and made his way down the row of desks. He went to go sit by the one seat left, next to me. He turned around and met my stare. He seemed shock, and was about to say something when the teacher started talking.

"We are going to read Romeo and Juliet, it will be a big part of your semester's grade so make sure you guys study and read." Mrs. Crow said.

Everyone turned to me and some started to snicker. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. Yes I know my name is Juliet and the book we're reading has the name Juliet. It really wasn't that funny.

I looked at Ashton and noticed that he was sleeping. He had his earphones in and his hoodie was over his head. He had thick lashes and a well-defined jaw line. All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and caught me staring at him. I turned away and acted like I was fascinated in the book. Heat rose to my cheeks but luckily my long brown hair covered my face.

The bell rang and I quickly gathered my stuff and left the room. I knew he recognized me from last night but I just hoped that he didn't tell anyone about my secret. I couldn't let anyone know that I was an underground street fighter.

Tears formed but I pushed them away, no one needed to know why I was fighting. I couldn't let anyone know the reason why. I went inside the bathroom and started to cry. I grabbed some tissues and wiped away the tears thinking back to that day I said to myself, don't think about that. The past is the past, I had to move on.

I reapplied my eyeliner and went to the cafeteria. I grabbed my tray and went to sit at the table my friends were in. I sat next to Lily and Mike. Mike was also one of my close friends and he seemed to like Lily but wouldn't admit it. Next to him were Sarah and her boyfriend Lane. They were busy making out and I threw my apple at them.

They immediately pulled away and glared at me. I start to snicker.

"Juliet, what the hell" said Lane.

"I would like to eat my lunch peacefully thank you very much" I said. They were making me lose my appetite and I didn't want my pizza to go to waste.

"Hey did you guys see the new guy, he's so hot" said Lily. I felt Mike stiffen next to me and I quietly snickered.

"Hey Mike you do know that you're bending the fork right?" I said. He started to blush and everyone started to laugh. He must have been so angry that he didn't notice he was bending the fork in his hand. Poor fork, it didn't deserve that.

"Looks like someone's jealous" said Sarah and Lily looked away. I sighed, I didn't understand those two. They clearly liked each other but wouldn't admit it but I was going to get them together. I just had to think of a plan.

"Hey do you guys want to come over on Friday? We could watch a few movies and go swimming?" I asked them.

They all happily agreed and we started to talk about the movies we should watch.

"There he is" said lily and we all looked over. Ashton walked in and the cafeteria became quiet. He grabbed and apple, and went to go sit at the table in the corner alone.

He looked so lonely that I felt bad for him. He looked at me and it seemed like we were having a staring contest.

"Helloo? Juliet?" said Lily and I looked away from him. I looked back and he smirked, as if saying he had won the staring contest.

"Sorry, I was busy uh staring at the um... the walls!" I said, but everyone knew I was a terrible liar.

"Oh really? The walls Juliet? Was that the best you could think of?" asked Lily and I looked away, blushing. Everyone started to laugh and I glared at all of them.

Before they could say anything else, the bell rang.

Yes! I was saved by the bell. I grabbed my bag and headed off to my next class.


Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 2 of my book. Please comment or vote if you liked it!

P.S I uploaded a picture of Lily!!! -------->

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