Chapter 1: The Vision

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Alice's POV

"Come on Jazz" I giggled and ran further into the forest.

"You'll never win Pixie." Emmett said as he passed by me.

"YES! I'll definitely win this time, you guys are going to have watch what I want." Emmett continued

"Don't think so Emmett." I said and right on cue Edward ran right pass Esme and Carlisle, Rose and Jasper, myself, and Emmett.

"Oh come on Eddie boy can't you let one of us win sometime." Emmett complained once everyone had reached the end of our race.

"Don't call me that and you guys forced me to come to this race. Now let's go home and watch my pick of the movie."

"Awwwww that's not fair." Emmett whined.

"Emmett suck it up, we have-"


There in the forest Chief Swan's wife was running with a crying baby girl. 10 miles from where we are she wrapped the child in a burned up blanket, kissed her head, and said "I'm going to go try and get some help for daddy then come and get you right back baby." The child started crying again and the Chief's wife kissed the childs tears and ran.


"Alice what did you see." Esme sweet motherly voice said with concern.

"I saw Chief Swan's wi-" before I could finish I was pulled into another vision.


I saw the baby girl again only this time the baby was surrounded by two mountain lions. The child screamed and the mountain lions lunged for her.


I broke from my vision gasping for unneeded air.

"Alice, what did you see" Jasper loving voice said and I could feel him sending me calming waves, but I didn't let them reach me.

"Alice, Edward told us of the first vision, what did you see now." Carlisle voice said with calmness but with a hint of worry mixed with.

"Baby, mountain lions, scream" was the only words I could mutter before I dashed into the forest looking for the child before it was too late.

"She saw Chief Swan's child being killed by two mountain lions." I heard Edward say, and soon my family was running to catch up to me.

5 miles away we started to hear a child's cry followed by some growls. Which made everyone run faster and being Edward he soon passed me going for the child, already seeing where she is from my vision.

Soon we reached the crying baby girl, then she screamed and and the mountain lions lunged for her.

In the three seconds Esme, Rosalie, and myself screamed out 'No' at the same time causing the baby girl to look directly at us with big brown innocent eyes. Then in one second Edward lunged to protect the baby girl, while Emmett and Jasper dealed with the mountain lions who had ruined Edward's shirt from the back. Carlisle, Rose, Esme, and myself went to the baby girl that Edward held in his hands.

We reached the baby and she saw all of us and a bright red covered her cheeks, but right when that red hit her cheeks I went into a vision so fast that I reacted on instinct and tackled Edward to the ground while Esme held the now crying baby girl while Edward growled and tried to break Emmett and Jasper hold.

"Jazz calm him!!!" I screamed at my husband

"I am, it's not working." He screamed back

"Edward, son, calm down. Don't do this, remember who you are." Carlisle said

Thankfully Edward calmed down a bit, bit his muscles where still tensed and I threw Jazz a knowing look and soon Edward muscles loosened.

Then we all heard a loud explosion. Esme and Rose ran back home with the crying child. While the rest of us ran to the explosion only to see that Chief Swan's cruiser was on fire and one heartbeat stopped, while there was a faint one still beating.

Quickly Carlisle tried to get Chief Swan's wife away from the broken door and flamed fire. After getting her we edged back into the forest and away from the fire. Only to hear Chief Swan's wife say in a strangled and hoarse voice, "Care for Bella she has no one....protect my baby." Then her heart stopped completely.

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