The A-Team

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-The A Team-

the tears trickle not without remorse

down her once so youthful face, 

her hand reaches up in vain

hoping for little else but 

to have them erased

it's another unknown place, 

just painstakenly full 

of not one warm, familiar face

the light burns her eyes 

and as she covers them without thought, 

she comes to realize

through all these strange places

she has come to be a character 

her former self would whole-heartedly despise

a blanket is her only shelter from the brisk December frost

 though none of this matters-

she takes her post at the train station

with the same lingering thought;

this is an illusion

not all is lost

the people pass her by easily

what with her jacket and  lone newspaper pile

she is not much to see

alone she feels in a world 

consumed by overpowering greed, 

a selfish lust for money 

and among all other things, 

she is nothing but a speck of dust

time passes hastily

similar to a bandit in the dead of night 

while she is stuck on the street, 

praying and hoping

to somehow deal with the life-long grief

her life is on pause

as she gazes at the light stained roads

ahead of her

she must ask God

for a certain, unnamed cause

the reflection in the mirror

is what she has always been raised to fear;

black rimmed eyes, 

the simple silhouette for an unknown number

of tears

she takes a deep breath without a hitch,

gliding swiftly through the night

knowing that the unsettling rythm of her heart

says what she cannot; 

nothing will turn out alright

headlights nearly make her blind,

the knowledge of the shadow in the car 

slowly makes her panic 

for her cannot truly be too kind

it does not matter now;

do or die as they always have the nerve to say

her blood itches with 

a burning addiction- 

this is the only way

despite the malicious smirk

that hangs from her plush lips 

and the way she has come to force the 

sway of her hips

this is not what she wants 

but the regret cannot be anymore silent, 

it merely creeps to the back of her mind

to do nothing but whisper and taunt

enough is enough,

before long she has grown the courage to leave,

her lungs have grown heavy, 

making it harder and harder

to breathe

shame courses through her,

there's not much else she can bare to feel;

the payment is passed from one hand to another,

leaving little for mind to infer

the little white packet 

snarls from the dip of her palm

and as she rips it open,

her mind is sent to an unknown place

neither wild nor calm

her heart thuds rapidly

the smoke wafts as a silent, poisonous killer

for all she was ever good for was a 

short-lived, one night thriller

for a final time she falls, 

unconsious to the bed;

maybe up in the glory of heaven 

she'll make a better angel

when she's finally dead

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