"Yeah I'll have a scotch on the rocks and one glass of your moscato wine please" Moscato was a wine Vladimir had introduced to me. It was so sweet and tasty and you couldn't even taste the alcohol.

"Hey you remembered" I said reaching over and taking his hand in mine.

"Of course I remembered considering you downed the whole bottle when I first showed it to you"

"Oh shut it I couldn't help it, it tasted so sweet" We both laughed at that. After we finished eating we decided to skip desert and head straight home. He walked me all the way to my apartment "You know you don't have to walk me all the way up, I'll be fine its not like anyone's going to stab me on the way" He cringed at that

"Well I feel a lot better knowing your save" He grabbed the keys from my hand and unlocked it him self. Once inside he picked me and put me on the counter bench "You know you have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen" Then he kissed me. I didn't waste any time in throwing my arms around his neck. He picked me up again and walked towards my bed. He miss counted his steps and fell back onto it me crashing on top of him.

We didn't stop kissing though that only made us kiss harder, hotter and wetter. Our tongues danced together. He kissed me one last time before stopping. Then he rested his forehead against mine "You my lady are a very naughty girl, making me lose control like that" I got off him and fixed out my dress and gave him a mock dirty look.

"If you didn't notice you weren't the only one who lost control Mr now chop chop out of here before I want to kiss you again" He didn't move though.

"I was thinking considering I had that glass of Scotch at the restaurant it wouldn't be appropriate for me to drive home, I could be putting my self and others in dangerous" He said all that with a smile on his lips.

"Oh too bad I don't have a doggy bed " I laughed. He fake growled and got up

"Take that back" I put my hands on my hips

"Or what?" Then suddenly I was being twirled around. He then probed me on his knee and lifted my dress revealing my undergarments

"Your are getting too big for your shoes missy and it's time I put you in your place" He touched my bum making me shriek then he slapped it. Not hard but enough to make me yelp. He continued that for 3 slaps each time getting me hotter and hotter. "Now apologise" When I didn't he slapped me again harder this time.

"Ok ok I'm sorry" I said trying to stand up. He held me back down

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't know" He slapped me again "Ok sorry for being a smarty pants?" He looked at me for a second before kissing where he slapped softy. I moaned at the feeling

"Good girl" He let me up finally and he pulled my dress back down. My face was flushed and I felt hot all over. "I hope you've learned your lesson" He kissed me on the lips "Now get changed for bed and join me on the bed" I raised a brow "Not like that, I promise all we will be doing is sleeping" I nodded and made him turn around so I could change

Then I made my over to the bed. He was already shirtless and under the covers. I didn't have time to admire him because the light was switched off. I curled up next to him putting my head on his hard chest and he automatically wrapped an arm around me. I fell asleep with no trouble.

The next morning when I woke up I was alone in the bed. I frowned. "Morning sleeping beauty" I turned my face and my frowned instantly disappeared. Vladimir was standing up talking to Shelly "Hope you don't mind but she insisted on coming in and checking on you" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh Lucy darling you gave me such a fright, I thought something bad happened to you" She came over to the bed and bought the coffee with her

"Why would you think that?" I asked confused. She made eye gestures over to Vladimir and I immediately realised. She must have thought he had done something bad to me. "I appreciate your concern but I'm fine, what time is it?" I asked stretching as I did

"6:15am,  which reminds me Blake will be here to pick you up Lucy, I have a few errands to do today so could you please clear all meetings today?" I nodded. He come over kissed me lightly then he picked up his coat and walked out the door. As soon as he left Shelly blew out a breath

"Oh god thank goodness his gone" I narrowed my eyes at her "What?"

"That was just plain rude and next time he comes over you will apologise to him" She looked at me wide eyed

"What!? Are you joking? His a vampire! A vampire there dangerous Lucy. Don't think your any different" I opened the door for her and she got the message. Picking up her mug she walked to the door, gave me a look and left. I quickly had a shower and dressed for work. Vladimir took the liberty to buy me a few more blouses. I have a few more white ones, a few red ones and even a green one. Incase id like to change it up. They were all long sleeves. I decided to wear a red one today with my usually black skirt.

I walked down stairs and met with Blake "Morning Blake, could we please make a coffee run before work? I didn't have any this morning?"

"I'll bring you coffee at your office" I nodded and hoped in. I remembered the way to his office. I used my spare key he gave me and opened the door. When I walked in I nearly screamed when I saw two men sitting on the couch

"Excuse me but Mr Costello isn't here right now and you two shouldn't in here, how did you get in here?" They both stood up. One of them had short brown hair and was nearly as tall as Vladimir. The other had sandy blonde hair and was a couple inches shorter then the first guy. The brown haired pulled a pair of keys out of his front pocket

"I'm Jonathan and this is Terrence. Where here to see Vladimir" They were vampires? Why weren't their eyes red

"Contacts honey" The red hair answered. did I say that out loud?

"No you didn't, Sorry Terrence here likes to invade other people's minds" He slapped his brothers head.

"Um ok, sorry Mr Costello isn't in today"

"Any idea when he will be back?" I shook my head "Well could you please let him know hide brothers came to see him and if he could call us back as soon as possible id very much appreciate that"

"Yes of course" when they left I sat down at the desk. God they gave me such a fright. A few minutes later Blake came in with my coffee "Thank you so much" I said drinking down the beverage. I sent an email to all of Vladimir's appointments today telling them he was unable to come into work today and they would have to reschedule. Immediately I got replies telling me other days they could see him. I checked his calendar and put the dates in.

While I was in the middle of that the door opened and in walked the most beautifulest women I had ever seen. She had gorgeous brown hair with caramel blonde highlights. She was tall but if she wasn't wearing her expensive looking heels she would be a little more taller then I was. She had the most gorgeous tan I had ever seen. The dress she was wearing was a low cut red strapless dress and it looked absolutely gorgeous on her.
It filled out her front and back. With her curves and everything

"Hi can I please speak with Vladimir" She gave me an all too cherry smile

"I'm sorry his not in today if you had an appointment please reschedule with me"

"I'm back sorry I took so long" We both heard from the door. When Vladimir walked in and his eyes made contact with the women's his face lost its colour

"Baby cakes surprise" What did she just say? She ran straight up to him and kissed him smack on the lips. My hand went straight to my mouth and my stomach dropped. I felt like I was going to be sick.

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