Ty wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, “I think I like this position, you should be right here more often” He teased and then he pulled me down so my nose rested right at the base of his neck. Out of pure natural instinct I dragged my nose down his neck and I closed my eyes as I took in his extremely seductive masculine scent. I felt Ty running his nose over my neck and then he kissed my shoulder and uncontrollably I let out a soft moan. I could feel Ty's chest grumble with a soft growl in response to my moan. I eased up so I could see his face again. He was so handsome and his eyes were wild almost like his wolf at that moment. I continued staring and I brushed my hands through his hair, Ty's chest grumbled again with his low growl. I licked my lips, lowered my head and kissed him. Ty wrapped his arms around me tightly and I relaxed as I let his mouth move against mine. We both pulled out the kiss at the same time. Ty didn't make a big deal out of it although I could see the smile on his face out the corner of my eyes. I laid my head down on his chest and relaxed. We finished watching the movie and I stayed on Ty's chest. We kissed a few more times and then Ty walked me to my new room and gave me one final good night kiss.

After a few weeks later it was moving day we started moving my things from the cottage to Ty's house. The day of the move Ty had to go into town to get a few things for our place and for the pack so it ended up being me and the ladies doing the move. Well actually me, Salina, and Tia did the move and Dionna and her pregnant belly just watched. It was extremely hot outside I put on a small tank top, a pair of short shorts, and flip flops. My hair just seemed to be in the way so I pinned it completely up almost on the top of my head just to keep it off my neck.

Me and the girls walked back and forth between the houses, I couldn't believe how much junk I had accumulated in the short while that I was there. I don't know how many times we walked back and forth, but I ended up sweaty and tired. Finally after everything was done we all sat on Tyson's porch exhausted. Dionna lit the grill and started cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone, Salina ran home and came back with two beers a piece for each of us except Dionna. Just as we sat back to enjoy our cool refreshing drinks the boys came back.

I watched as each of the girls hugged or kissed their mates hello. Tyson was leaning against the doorway smiling at me. He casually walked over to where I was sitting and with a quick move he picked me up, sat down, and sat me in his lap. Ty and I hadn't ever shown any real affection in front of others so this felt real strange.

Ty grazed his lips slowly over my shoulder and then he turned my face to his and gently kissed my lips. “Did you miss me today.” He whispered. I nodded my head yes, and he kissed me again. “I missed you too, sorry I wasn't here to help move everything.” He apologized and kissed me one more time. It seemed like everyone just vanished for a few moments as he and I talked.

“It wasn't all too bad doing it by ourselves, but it would have been nice to have had you here.” I told him as I leaned against his chest. Ty held me close and I felt his chest move as he chuckled silently. I sat up and looked at him. “What's so funny?” I asked.

“I got the perfect way to make it up to you.” He whispered with a huge grin on his face.

“How? It must be something really silly with the way you are grinning.” I told him

“I think it's been a week or more since you've seen your mate. So I think I'll let you spend some time with him tonight.” He teased still with his sneaky grin.

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