Chapter Two

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The contest told me by Marta consisted simply in uploading an our own photo, with an important meaning, on the Freak Promotion’s  facebook page, the winner would be the one with more “Likes”. Unlike the other contests, only a couple or a single person could win: we would’ve  been the only ones to meet them if we had won.

Marta and I thought a lot of which photo we could upload; finally we decided to take a photo in the garden of my house, wearing gothic lolita dresses, mine supposed to be white and hers black, standing at each other, symbolizing the two faces of a person united in the creation of the same one.

It seemed a good idea…and we hoped that if any God could ever exist, he could help us.

We began to look for the dresses; a friend of mine is a photographer, so for the photo and the make up we asked him for some help .

I modified the picture personally and after some days we felt ready to upload it.

The delay of our decision, however, put us in disadvantage: by that time there were just two weeks until the end of the contest and there were a lot of fans who have uploaded their photos a month before…if we had not won our parents wouldn’t have allowed us to go, and there were only nine last tickets on ticketone for the parterre.

For several days I spent my life spamming; many times the fake profiles I created were banded from forums and from facebook, I still could try with twitter and private messages to unknown people.

And... the last day we were sixth.

I think that was the day my short-sight begged me for pity: the electromagnetic waves of my pc flashed my eyes because of all the time I spent spamming and sharing our photo.

I asked for help even to my dear old exorcist uncle, asking him to share it with everyone he knew in Brazil.

But there wasn’t anything to do... Marta and I didn’t win.

You can only imagine how we felt…we hoped so hard in that day and we wasted all our time for that contest.

Ok, we were late..but judge a photo only for some “likes”, maybe from people who don’t even read the title of the album, is stupid!

My bad anger made me do the thing that I loved the most in my life.

I wrote on the page:

"I think it’s unfair, our photo comunicates exactly what we feel and I think it’s stupid that a fucking little girl with an useless photo wins for a majority of likes!’’

Immediately a lot of girls partecipating at the contest supported me, writing that, yes, it would be better if the winner have been choosen by a  jury.

Finally I conviced the staff to choose themself.

And guess what? They choose us.

Yes, they choose us, us! I couldn’t believe it.

When Marta saw it, I haven’t known it yet.

She called me confused:

"Vale we won.”

"It’s not true…"

"Fuck, look on the page!"

I hugged the cat.

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