"I don't really understand what makes you think that I wasn't perfect for Rahul," Diana asked.

"Okay, let me ask you something." Neeta leaned forward on the table. "Why did you say no to Rahul?"

"Because you had asked me to," Diana said in a brittle voice.

"If I ask you to jump in the well, will you?"

Diana stared at Neeta and said, "No."

"Then why did you simply agree?"

"Because he is your son and I tried my best not to be the reason because of which Rahul and your relationship spoils."

"So, you didn't even think of getting back to me to know why I said no? Is this a movie scene where they director says something, and you agree?" After a pause, she continued, "Okay tell me about Rahul's smoking habits. How many times have you told him not to smoke?"

"Many times."

"Did he ever listen to you?"

Diana was silent.

"No one here might like Kiara, but I have seen that she really cares for Rahul's health, not just his feelings. She first told Rahul to stop smoking. When Rahul didn't agree, she took the right actions to make sure that he doesn't smoke."

As Rahul was about to say something, Neeta continued, "I know you still smoke. But from 15 a day, it has come down to 1-2. I'll credit Kiara for it."

Turning towards Diana, she said, "Now, tell me who is better - Rajveer or Rahul?"

Diana looked at Rajveer and Rahul but said nothing.

"I'll give you a hint. Rahul never cared for your emotions and Rajveer has always been there to support you. I can give it to you in writing that if you fall ten times, every time you'll find Rajveer before Rahul to support you." She turned towards Rahul and asked, "Rahul, you had a breakup with Diana somewhere in 2010. Why?"

Rahul looked at Diana, who was looking down and said, "Because she was rude to me at an event."

"Rajveer, can you believe it that someone had a breakup because one partner was rude with the other. Frankly, I have seen Rahul behaving rudely with Diana so many times, but she never said anything."

Turning towards, Kiara, Neeta asked, "Kiara, how many times have you been rude with Rahul?"


"Be frank."

"Many times." She looked down.

"Don't feel embarrassed. My son is really bad with anger. He wants someone to play the tit for tat game all the time. I felt so bad for Diana when I heard from someone that she kept for a number of days because Rahul broke up with him. At the same time, I was so angry with Diana because she cares for Rahul's emotions and would never do anything intentionally to hurt him. So, if tomorrow he will do anything wrong, she will not be in a position to stop him."


"Am I wrong, Diana?" Neeta said calmly. "Tell me one thing that you have done for Rahul on your own. Something special that was really good for him."

"She is the best match for Rahul," Kiara said. "I mean on screen."

"Good to hear that from you Beta, but are they even better than SRK-Kajol Jodi? There are many others like Shahid-Reena, Govinda-Karishma, Anil Kapoor-Sri Devi and so on. But none of them are married to each other in real. Again, I'm not comparing anyone's personal issues. Also, I'm not against Diana. From the time she has come into this industry, she has been the best. Why would I say no to have the best actress as my daughter-in-law?"

No one was looking at Neeta into her eyes.

Is she right? Or she is proving herself to be right? - Rajveer thought.

"But I think you should have given them a chance to decide about this back in 2015," Rajveer said. "I'd like to say this. Today, no one is happy. Yes, I'm not happy. I have a wife who is the best, but let me still think. Does she really love me? I'm sure similar is the case with Rahul and Kiara." Turning towards Kiara, he said, "Love exists?"

Kiara looked down.

"See?" Rajveer said turning towards Neeta.

"I think we need a change of attitude here to make the situation look better. From the time Kiara and Rahul have been married, Kiara's insecurity has been her biggest enemy. She loves Rahul, and I know it. In fact, even Rahul knows it. In the case of Rahul, I think his anger is something that is not easy to handle. I've down that for years. Kiara battles it, but frankly, Diana would have lost the fight if they would have been a couple. In your case," Neeta looked at Rajveer and said, "I think as a couple you two have been idealistic. Hit Jodi and even people do like to see you two together too. I feel you two need some time to be alone and spend some time alone."

"Frankly, I don't see a solution here. In fact, this conversation will make things worse because we all know now what actually happened." Rajveer said.

"It won't," Diana said wiping her tears. She smiled and looked at Rajveer. "I agree with Neeta Aunty that I have so far ignored your efforts. You have been not just a friend, but you had always made me feel comfortable when things went wrong in my life. I... I'll try to change my attitude for the good. Frankly, in our case, all I needed to do was to appreciate your efforts. I did but never said it. Maybe I was just stuck with Rahul's thoughts in my mind, but today I do understand the reason and I feel that whatever has happened was for our good. So, I don't have any regrets about marrying you." Diana hugged Rajveer.

"I second her thoughts," Rahul said. "In our case, Kiara has even done a lot for me. I feel I have failed to understand her and the efforts she has taken for me. Actually, I was annoyed when people last year said that Diana was good luck for me and Kiara brought me bad luck. For me, it was me all the time. I have always prioritized myself, and our relationship has suffered. Maybe, if I would have focused on my work instead of some nonsense people post, our relationship wouldn't have suffered." Rahul looked at Kiara and placed his hand on Kiara's hand.

"So, I think we should change our thinking and start from today." Diana smiled.

Looking at Kiara, Rahul smilingly said, "Ma'am, would you like to join me for a dance?"

Kiara smiled.

"What about you?" Rajveer said with a smile dancing on his lips.

"Sure." Diana said, and the two couples got on the dance floor.

As the day ended, Diana messaged Rahul - You have always said that if a movie were to be made on our lives, people wouldn't love the end of the story. Let's change the thought and hope people will still like it. :)

Rahul's reply - :)


Year 2035

"The best Bollywood Jodi award for 2035 goes to... Any guesses? Yes! It is Rahul and Diana." Director Imti Ali announced.

The two superstars walked on the stage together and received the award from Imti Ali.

Standing in front of the mic, Diana said, "Phew! I wasn't expecting this."

"I was!" Rahul smiled. "Age is not a barrier. People's love for us matters."

"True. So, thank you fans for voting for us. Hope you guys will enjoy watching our movies in the future too."

"Even when we move into our 90s."

Diana's nose crinkled.

"What? We are already in our 50s."

Diana nodded her head negatively with a smile on her face and said, "Thank you guys!" and they descended from the stage.


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