Chapter 1

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Jade's Pov

    I still can’t believe the name of my school is Olympic High. Really, how cliché can my life be? The school was impressive, which was bad for me. Just more possible things to blow up.

    As I walked up to the stairs leading to the front entrance, I saw Katrina waiting for me by the doorway. She looked up and saw me, a smile crossing her face. “Hey, Jade,” she said as I came up next to her. “I thought you were going to be late… again,” she said, smirking as she made her way into the building.  I followed behind her, noticing the questioning glances I got from the other students.

     “You are never going to let me live that down, are you?” I asked as we walked into the office together. The lady who was behind the desk glanced up from the book she was reading, looking annoyed to have been disturbed.

       “What do you need?” she said, her voice flat with boredom.

       Seeing as I wasn’t the best conversationalist in the world, Katrina answered. “This is our first day here, and we need our schedules-”

      “Names?” The lady interrupted, turning over to her computer.

      “Katrina Rubin and Jade Howell,” Katrina sighed. The woman turned around and typed some things into the computer and two pieces of paper popped out. She reached over and snatched them, handing them over to us.

       I took them both and we headed out of the office. I looked down and saw that we both had P.E. together first period. “Katrina, we have P.E. together, and first class period to!”

        “Jade, you are one of the only people I know who gets excited over P.E. Though, I have to admit, it is pretty entertaining to watch you pound everyone else to a pulp with a couple of dodge balls,” Katrina laughed, plucking her schedule out of my hands.

         I glanced down once more and inwardly groaned when I saw they had put me in Egyptian mythology. I didn’t even know that they had a class for that. I looked over Katrina’s shoulder and saw that we both had the exact same schedule, except for math, which I was horrible at. Oh well, at least we have P.E. first!


   When ever you have a satyr as a coach, they all have three things in common. They are short, loud and call EVERYONE cupcake. Even other teachers.

   That is how I knew right when I walked into gym class that Coach Wright was a satyr. The first thing I heard was him yelling "Run faster, cupcake!" at some poor kid who probably did something wrong. He spotted me and Katrina and stormed over.

   "What do you want, Cupcakes? Hurry up, I can't waste all of my time on you two," He huffed, his arms crossed in front of him, as if that was supposed to make him more scary, which it didn't.

   "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." I muttered, knowing his sharp hearing would pick up what I had said. He tried to get up close to my face, which was pretty funny, seeing as I had about nine inches on him. He was about to yell at me when a flash of recognition flashed across his face when he realized I was a demigod.

   "Consider yourself lucky, cupcakes. I will let you off easy this time, considering that you are new. Now go change, we have a game of dodge ball to play," he said, turning around to yell at the running boy again.

   As we walked towards the locker rooms, Katrina muttered, "What is it with him and calling everyone Cupcakes?"

   I laughed to myself. "I honestly have no idea." I said truthfully.


   Katrina walked out of the locker room while pulling her hair up into a high ponytail. When the captains picked teams, Katrina was the first girl picked because she had that athletic look to her.

   Unfortunately, the opposing team was partly made up of Katrina and really strong looking guys who looked like they were used to winning, while I was picked by the geeks. I apparently had a look of determination splashed across my face because Katrina gave me a knowing look just before the whistle blew. I had to automatically crouch down, a volley of dodge balls flying over my head. Surprise, surprise, the all are aiming for me. I stooped down and scooped up a ball, having to block the constant storm of dodge balls.

   Sensing a stop in the onslaught, I jumped up and threw the ball at the closest one of them, maybe or maybe not using a bit of magic to make the ball hit its target. It impacted pretty hard to, the guy letting out a squeak as it hit his stomach. I repeated this process a couple more times before looking up and noticing that Katrina had taken out over half of my team. I watched her hit the guy next to me with deadly accuracy, the ball making him skid a couple inches backwards before falling backwards and landing on his bottom.

   I had already come to the conclusion that my entire team was made up of wimps when I felt a ball smack into my head. I glanced over in the direction of where the ball came from to find Katrina smugly smiling at me. "Alright, Cupcakes. Get your unworthy butts out of here. Now!" Coach Wright yelled. I was still in shock, the fact that I had just lost my first dodge ball game not quite sinking in.

A/N What did you think? This is my first time using Wattpad, but I have written stories on (Name: WiseGirl1999) before, and thought about giving it a shot. Review and Vote!! Reviews make me work faster!

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