Chapter 1

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I look to the day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character- M.L.k

Makeda Langston

I swayed my tiny hips around my small but spaces bedroom humming to a song my mother forced me to listen to every Saturday. But some how in some way when I left the nest to go to college, I caught the habit that was past on from many generations. I'm pretty sure when I get old in die my children's children will have the same habit or I'll be alone forever inside my house with sixteen cats. Mainly because I'm scared. I never had a voice for myself to ever be in a actual relationship. I been there, I tried that in it didn't work out to well. It was pure hell, it felt like I was swimming in a current going in every direction but the right one.

One day things happened in a few words were exchanged. We went from the back to the front fighting. I was tired emotionality, physically, and mentally.

How could I be so blind in stupid?

They told me he was out of my league, they told me he was to cute for me. I should have just except the fact that they were so right. Look at me who would want.

His words were so bashing and distasteful that it took me out of church. Fearing that the people of God would see what he saw. A insecure bitch that would belittle at a single word that is directed to her.

I stood deep in thought until I heard a few knocks at my room door scaring me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I said lowly enough for the person to hear me. I sat on the little chair with the cushion inside waiting for the unknown species to walk through my room door.

"You need to speak a little louder, because I barely heard you." My annoying seventeen year old sister said as she came through the door. "As I recalled I'm not obligated to do a damn thing in my room, I'm the older sister you listen to me Erica." I quickly snapped back as I opened my closet door in grabbed a random shirt.

"It's not that serious." She mumbled. I really didn't bother to say anything back because the principal of the matter is she doesn't know what I deal with nobody does. I just can't, after what that man sent me through I'm scared to open up.

How would I ever get through this?

"Mom said come to dinner, because we have visitors." She quickly said before walking out the room.

I huffed really loud as I fell on my bed. "Lord help me." I mumbled.

I wanna make the chapters short because I want everyone to grasp everything get a clear understanding.

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