Part Two

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 "Argh, what does he want with us?" asked the black-and-white man to my right. "We're only completely innocent people!" Glances would be tossed as some shuddered, aka me. The box seemed about the size of a queen-sized bed, especially cramped for four men to fit. There were small windows on all four sides, but almost no one could turn to glance out.

Time was ticking away in infinite silence, all the strangers crossing their arms and glaring at me. I burst out of the pressure, "Just tell me! What's the glaring for?" From my eyes, they had all seemed to have met each other before this incident.

The man directly three feet in front of me smirked and said, "Nothing, newbie." I would only eye him, confused. "You just don't look like the kind who should be here," he continued. He'd let out a sly laugh, and then adjust his gleaming, spotless silver aviators, despite there only being fractions of light entering our confined chamber.

"Hmph. I am not inexperienced in the art of rhyme!" I shot back, my perfectly parted brown hair not moving an inch.

"Rhyme. That's it. That's why Froxy put us here," convinced the man with the sunglasses. "We all seem experienced. Our place in the shrouded community brought us here."

All of the others nodded, while I raised my eyebrows in understanding. At that moment, I figured that we all despise the heartless overlord who pinned us here.


My high social interaction based personality couldn't stand these familiar, yet unknown strangers. It was nagging me, like a fish tugging on a pole. I attempted to reel it in, rotation by rotation, but there was no improvement. Half of it was peer pressure, the other instinct. At this point in my life I had never been so twisted on what to do. Should I respond, and be ridiculed? Or should I keep my mouth shut and let this nag me more? As I thought on this, I wondered who the men were. I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I knew there was no way anyone could move more than two inches at most. Not this, my mind screamed, 'you're going paranoid!' Out of confusion, I took the leap of faith.

"Soooo....erm...let's break the ice, eh?" Nasty glares. "So what're you called out on the Ro-Rap scene?" I blared out of confusion.

The man who was in front of me answered first, after trimming his aviators once more. "Elegenttt. Three t's, don't get it wrong." This "Elegenttt" had a deep gray blazer, with a slightly lighter gray shirt underneath. His pants were the same tone as the blazer, and he wore casual dress shoes. Elegenttt's hair was as brown as a slice of pain du chocolat blown upright into a quiff. Whenever he spoke, it was subtle and pleasing. It sounded like he was British or something.

He motioned to the man on his left, looking more tense than I was. He shivered, then responded, "Ih-InspiredToKill..." Even though he wore an ocean-blue sweatshirt, he looked chilled to the bone. I doubted he was my type of person. He had glasses which reminded me of my days in high school, freshman year. I was quite the geek, wearing glasses that the bullies always shattered in half on first instant. When I was there, I was ignored, shoved aside, and my closest friends had skipped a grade. It was so depressing. Yet no matter how many times I bandaged those glasses, they still looked broken. Nowadays, I wear contacts.

Surrounding Inspired's glasses was a mob of shaggy auburn hair, crimson from root to tip meeting his shoulders. Underneath his sweatshirt, he had a snow white stained shirt. He also wore jeans and what looked like his best pair of sneakers. He pointed at the final man, the one to my left.

He had caught my eye already. The right side of him had on white, while only black was on his left. He had the spiky eclectic two-toned hair as a porcupine scientist. His skin was ebony black, no, actually black. Black as night. I could barely make out his sky blue eyes. He smiled like Elegenttt, and answered "DarthMatter1, or Darth." He scooted closer to Elegenttt and whispered something in his ear.

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