A christmas (a NON christmas) fanfic

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However, the kids were not happy. "Ugh! Why do we have to have him as our dad!" Snowy groaned. Shadow then woke up. "Huh? Wha? Oh Uh yea I hate him too *yawn* and stuff..." She said, falling back asleep. "He killed my father and his meowrail.." Sabie said darkly. "What's a meowrail?" Liz asked. "It's what trolls call their best friend" he explained. "Oh." Warriors then piped up. "Hey, I heard mom got a new TARDIS! Maybe we can go back in time and change stuff so that way GAMZEE is no longer our dad!" "I dunno... I mean I hate him but I wouldn't go tha-" LETS DO IT!" Sabie said, and everyone else agreed.

They snuck into the tardis, making sure no one caught them, then they went back in time when gamzee and Jay went on their first date. When they got there, they got into disguises to make them look like 21 year old midgets and walked into the bar. "So how exactly are we gonna do this?" Lizz asked. "Yea, we don't know how they met or what made them fall in love.." Walrus added. Snowy sighed, "Guess we should of thought of that..." "Don't worry, I know" Saber said. "She told me that he ordered her a drink and then when she was drunk they talked, dance, and um... Let's just say Walrus came into the picture afterwards a few months later.." The group shuddered. "So we just make sure she stays sober? ok then." Snowy said. They walked over to where gamzee and Jay were. "HeHe, yOuR a cOol GaL tO cHaT wItH. HeY, WaNt a DrinK?" "Sure!" Younger Jay said. Saber then walked over to gamzee when the drink came. "Hey gamzee, equis needs help with something." "OK, iM cOmInG" he said leaving. SabeR then "accidentally" spilled the drink. "Whoops!" He said. Jay sighed. "Oh well, I guess I'll head out then." She said, and left. The kids were happy, and went back into the tardis.They walked into the house. However it was different somehow. They saw their mother in a rocking chair. "Hi mom!" They said in unison. Jay turned around,startled. "WHAT THE- WHO ARE YOU!" She asked. "Uh, your children?" Warriors said. "DUH" Jay looked confused. "I-I'm sorry. I think you got the wrong person... I never had kids..." Jay said. "What are you talking about?" Snowy said. "You had kids with gamzee and adopted me and saber..." Jay shook her head. "Sorry, never had kids with him. He tried to order me a drink, but he left, and so did I. I wanted to adopt a kid originally, but I realized that if I did, then they would hate me for them not having a father, so o changed my mind." Jay then smiled sympathetically. "But I hope you find your mother and-" that's when walrus interrupted. "MAM WE'RE SORRYYYYY WE STOLE YOUR TARDIS AND WENT BACK IN TIME SO THAT YOU NEVER MET DAD BECAUSE HE WAS A CREEPY ASS CLOWN MURDERER THING AND WE'RE SORRY!"

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