Meeting the Family (Part 1)

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It wasn't as if Eggsy was threatened by Roxy's family. No. The man that had killed the world's biggest terrorist and collasped entire gangs in the span of twelve hours (okay, with Roxy's help) would never be scared meeting the family.

And yet, he found himself tugging on his tie, staring into the mirror at his own expression, the epitome of nerves. All too suddenly, his collar felt like a noose and his jacket made his body temperature rise fifteen degrees. He let out a shaky sigh and stepped back, falling back onto the bed.

He closed his eyes, picturing the scenarios that could play out: meeting Mr. Morton and discovering that his girlfriend's dad hated him (for even daring to look at his daughter, for even trying to kiss her, and god knows what would happen if he ever discovered the more ahem, sexual things that they had done); meeting Mrs. Morton and realizing that he had no proper etiquette skills; meeting Roxy's siblings and—

"Eggs?" Eggsy turned to face Roxy, who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, her hands curled around a towel. As anxious as he was, he couldn't help but notice how the red dress hugged her curves and flared out from her waist and swirled around her knees. Her hair had been let down from its usual tight ponytail. Instead, her hair had been braided back into a crown, emphasizing the fullness of her beautiful face. "Are you alright?"

Eggsy converted his features hastily into a smile, although he was sure that his beads of sweat were still visible. "Fine, love. All ready t'ah leave?"

Instead of replying, Roxy dropped the towel and rushed over, leaning down so that her face was level with Eggsy's. She brushed her finger against his hair, pushing it back so that she could press the back of her palm to his wet forehead. "Eggsy, you're sweating and your temperature is definitely over thirty-seven degrees. You're not fine." She hesitated. "We should probably cancel, you're probably sick."

"No!" Eggsy realized his tone too soon. "Uh, I meant, uh, I'm fine, Rox. Let's go meet your family! No, seriously, I'm fine. I-"

Roxy stared at him for what felt like an eternity before standing up and seating herself next to Eggsy. She wrapped her arms around his chest, gently leaning his head against her chest. He accepted the embrace gratefully, gripping her fingers tightly.
She pressed her lips against his hair, breathing in the scent of his body, all pine and masculine. But under the surface, there was a sweetness that Roxy had known was there, a sweetness that she had tasted on her lips many times, a sweetness that she had been enveloped in many times. It was a feeling that had lulled her to sleep and protected her every night.

"Is that what this is about?" She murmured, fingers threading through the honey blonde fibers. "Meeting my family?"

Eggsy pried himself away from her breast to fix his bleary eyes on hers. "Yes," he confessed simply, although her fingers entertwined around his with almost all over her strength, almost bruising them.

Roxy let out a short laugh. "Eggsy, you've taken down arms dealers and bombers with no effort. What is so scary to you about my family?"

"Everything." Eggsy's voice was still quiet. And then, suddenly, he pulled away from her grasp, shooting up to his feet. He combed his fingers through his hair, resulting in what looked very much like a tumbleweed resting on his brow. His voice raised as he waved his arms wildly. "They're your family, Rox! They're—they're— they're the people tha' are the closest t'ah you, the ones th'a help you decide things like what t'ah do, where t'ah go, who t'ah date, and they—" Eggsy froze as soon as he realized what he had said.

Roxy shot up to her feet as well, and although she was a full seven inches shorter than him, the rage and emotions she was emitting made up for the missing height. "Eggsy, shut up!"

He stood still as he watched Roxy's face die down to a flushed pink. He stood silently and frozen, and the tiny bit of fear in his heart that was reserved for only Roxy to recover was amplified. Only Roxy could make him the happiest and strongest man in the world and simultaneously the most fearful and weak man in the world.

He braced himself for the slap or the shouting lecture that was bound to happen. What he did not expect, however was Roxy crushing her mouth against his, her fingers tightly clutching the collar of his suit. Eggsy froze for a split second, and the city lights beneath them seemed to hold their breath as Eggsy's hands found their way towards Roxy's waist, supporting her as she leapt into his arms, legs curling around his hips. Her face hovered above his, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. Eggsy accepted the new position, his face stretching up, craving her touch. 

But Roxy held him back, leaning back. Dazedly, Eggsy realized that in their haste, he had pushed Roxy into the wall, the front of her hair mussed up. Still, though, she was iridescent and full of life, her cheeks flushed rose from their snogging. 

Roxy took a few deep breaths before she let go of Eggsy's jacket and instead pressed her fingers lightly to his cheeks. Still panting a little (more out of emotions than fatigue), she swallowed and allowed her lips to curve up gracefully. "Eggsy, you don't have anything to worry about," she told him fiercely. "I'm here. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here." She pressed her forehead against his, their noses touching as she whispered to him. "We have each other. That's all you need for support. And I don't give a shit what my family might say. It doesn't matter to me." She took another breath, and then pulled away from Eggsy. Dimly, he realized that she had beads of tears in her eyes. Roxy folded her lips in, blinking back her tears. Then, impulsively, she reached forward, caressing Eggsy's lips with hers. 

"And besides," she whispered. "I love you."

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