What I Am

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I am not part of a clique or group

I do not have any specific title or label

I am not a jock or a nerd

I am not a prep or an outcast

I am not a loner or a goth

I am not to be classified with a crowd

I am not just another fish in the sea


Here is what I am:

I am a proud individual

I am a mix of different things

I am a combination

I am diverse

A jumble of likes and dislikes

Different music, food, movies...

My label is unique, independent, forever changing, never the same

Everyday I find new interests, new hobbies


I am an untamable being

Wild like a raging fire, unpredictable like the roaring waves.

Reins cannot hold me back

I am a free spirit

Strong as a bull,

Firm as a mountain.

As sure as the sunrise

I am an unstopable force of nature,

Never stopping, never resting.


I am kind and giving

I am creative and brilliant

I am an artist

I am different

I am who I want to be

I will always be generous

I am a visionary

I am a dreamer

I am passionate and determined


When you put all this together,

I am me

I am myself, no one else

Nobody can change that

Nobody can tell me otherwise

And if they try, I won't listen

Because I know that this is 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2011 ⏰

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