Everything Has Changed (One Direction FanFic) ~ COMING SOON

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Once again...I'm starting a new story! I know...what's wrong with me? I don't even know I keep getting these ideas for stories and I don't want to lose them or forget them so I had to get to typing haha hope you enjoy this book.

OH and if you haven't already you should go check out my book 'I wanna save you (A Niall Horan FanFic)' That was my first book and I would appreciate if someone actually gave me feedback on it.

The characters in this book are who they are because its actually based off something I had a dream about. Well some of it. The rest I'm making up along the way. Like the characters are based on me and my friends kinda so yeah! Don't judge! But whatever...anyway enjoy! xXx


Kaylee's P.O.V

"Oh my god Bri I cant believe it" I said to one of my best friends Brianna once we sat down in our seats for Maths.

"What?" she asked.

"Well you know how my mom got me tickets to see the One Direction concert, right?" I asked and she nodded for me to continue. "Well I won a VIP pass to meet the boys backstage!" I said happily.

"Lucky you! But back off of Niall or ill bite you" She said with a serious face that caused me to burst out laughing. After that she couldn't help but laugh people were looking at us as if we were crazy but we didn't care and we all knew they were amused because everyone in this class has known each other since 6th grade. They were used to our crazy dorkiness. Me and Bri were both in love with One Direction but especially Niall. I told her if I got married to Niall she was invited. She told me she wouldn't come because she would cry the whole time and Megan would have to drag her out.(We really did have this conversation one day in Math about if I married Niall).

"Yeah! yeah! whatever girly, if I see that sexy Irish potato I just might cry." I told her and we doubled over in laughter clutching our stomachs. We sobered up just in time to see our teacher walk in. After the teacher walked in and explained the lesson we started talking again.

"You really are lucky though." She said.

"I know" I replied. Then after that like always we started singing random songs.(we always do this too) Me and Bri were both talented singers but we only sang when we were at lunch, during math, or when we hung out. I love singing for people but only people I felt comfortable around. Today we started off singing little things and I couldn't help but smile for the rest of the day.


I walked to the lunch line and got a cheeseburger. Then I paid and went to sit down at our usual table with Emilie, Megan, and Bri. They were all pretty if you asked me but I always felt like the ugly duckling.

Emilie and Bri had long blonde hair. Megan had long brown hair. My hair was a little past shoulder length with a mixture of black and brown. Emilie and Megan had brown eyes while Bri had bright blue eyes. I had brown eyes that changed with my mood. You couldn't tell unless you looked closely. We had a lot of friends. Especially me and Emilie everyone knew us and we knew almost everyone. I think everyone knew me because of my brothers but I don't think so because some people don't even know they're my brothers. We all had those outgoing personalities but I was the most outgoing. I also had a very flirty personality. Not that I tried to be flirty it just came natural. All my friends say that I'm pretty but they have to say that they're my friends. But it doesn't matter I know I'm not the prettiest.

Me and Bri once again broke out into song first singing 'Kiss you' then singing 'Rock Me' and 'I Wish'. After that Emilie just looked at us. "I know you guys love singing but how come all you guys are singing today is One Direction usually its a mix of songs." She said. Then I continued telling her the story of how I won a VIP backstage pass.

"You are so fudging lucky!" She yelled, might I say really loud, causing some people to look at her funny. I just shot back some 'what are you looking at?' looks and they turned around. I don't even know what causes people to be so afraid of me. Maybe its my flirty, outgoing, but violent nature. Oh well, What are you going to do about it?


It was the last hour of the day and it was 5 minutes left. I couldn't stop looking at the clock. It was Friday and the concert was tomorrow. I still cant believe it. Bri and Emilie were just as much excited. They both had tickets too and we were going shopping after (Megan was busy and couldn't come to the concert that weekend).They said I should look extra cute since I'm meeting the boys. I knew exactly what I was getting because I saw it at the mall when I was there last. I was getting dark blue denim short shorts. I was also getting a tank top with a picture with all of the boys. I was getting a bandana which had 'I love Niall Horan' painted on it. Then I was getting new VANS that were the same light blue as my tank top and bandana. Then we were getting sparkly lime green face paint to write '1D' on our cheeks. I was also getting black war paint.


With that we rushed out to my car and we drove to the mall in search of our One Direction gear. Oh yes we are Directioner warriors.


Sorry that its short guys! If its not then don't mind that.

Anyway once again I just had to start writing before I lost the idea! Please please please with Dinosaur sprinkles on top give me feedback on if I should continue or not. Or just on what I should do in the story. I have ideas on where this going so please once again give feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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