~Chp 2~ Whats wrong with You

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I woke up and made my way through the bunks, none of the guys were up yet. I quietly slid the bunk door open and went to sit on the recliner before leaning over to grab my IPod off the small table beside me. i put the Skull Candie head phones in my ears and let the sounds of Snuff, by Slipknot searnade me back to sleep.

I finally woke up to the smell of Brians amazing waffles and bacon, he knows i love bacon so he cooks it for me every morning, and all the wonderful noises of Johnathan Davis as he sang freak on a leash. I took my head phones out and turned my IPod off. "Rise and shine beautiful!" Zacky yelled from across the room. Then they all one by one started saying their good mornings.

"Morning" i yelled back to all of them as i got up off the recliner. i walked pass Matt and he just smiled and winked at me. "Why hello georgous!" i yelled as i pinched his cheek and made a kissy face at him. He turned his head and licked my wrist. I went to wipe it on him, but he caught my arm and spun me around to where he was behind me and he could bring my arm up to my face more easily. no matter how hard i pushed or pulled, he was just too strong. He smeared his own saliva all over my face! "GRODY!!" i yelled, everyone was cracking up. When i punched him in the gut, they were on the floor laughing.

Brian ran into the room when he heard all the camotion. "What happened?" he asked every body, disappointed he missed the show.

"Matt...whiped spit on Peyton...then she punched him...and...oh god man, you had to be there" Johnny managed to say in between laughs.

"You know, i'm not going to cook for you ass's anymore. I'm in here slaving over this hot stove when you all are in here laughing and screwing around and i don't get so much as a thank you. I mean, even my apron sais kiss the cook" he said flipping his hair and putting his hand on his hip. I love it when he acts gay, its so funny.

"Awww, Brian wants a kiss!" Jimmy said getting up and running towards him making a kissy face like mine. a terrified look came upon Brians face and he started to run for the bunks. But of course, Mr. Long legs caught up to him and had him on the ground before he knew it. He started kissing him all over the face, avoiding his lips of course. Brian was cussing, kicking, punching, and clawing at the walls trying to get away. It was so funny, i thought i was about to die, i couldn't breath, and no sound was comming out when i laughed.

"Ooooooooh, im telling Michelle!!" Zacky yelled.

"No! she musn't know Brians true sexuality!!" Johnny replied.

"All of you shut the hell up!" he yelled when jimmy finally got off of him. Jimmy started to laugh when brian looked at him. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Brian yelled. As soon as Jimmy stood up straight Brian kneed him right in the nuts. He fell over onto one of the side tables and onto the floor. Brian simply flipped his hair and switched his hips all the way back into the kitchen. We all just sat there trying to catch our breath. After everything calmed down, i got up.

"Well, I have to go take a shower and wipe SOMEBODY'S spit off my face!"" i said looking at Matt. He just smiled and winked at me. I stuck my toung out at him and walked to the bathroom.

When i got uot of the shower i knew breakfast was ready, How did i know this?, because it was quiet. When its quiet, that could only mean two things, they were asleep, or they were eating. I got dressed and came out of the bunks and made my way to the kitchen, the sweet aroma of waffles bacon, bacon, and some more bacon filled the bus. I walked into the so called "living room", even though it was just an area of the bus with a couch, a recliner, and a side table, and jumped over the recliner so i could get to the kitchen faster. I greeted every one, made my plate and sat down. "Damn pig!! are you high? Got the munchies or something? i havn't seen you eat like that since Bri's wedding!" On my plate i had four waffles covered in whipped cream, and like nine stripps of bacon, i was just hungery, god! Then Brian, who of course was too buisy paying attention to his food looked up...

"What? I heard Bri's wedding" he said with a mouth full, then he looked at my plate. "God damn! I havn't seen you eat like that since my wedding!" we all just looked at him and began to snicker.

"Yeah, point established man" Zacky said

"What?" Brian looked confused. And thats never good.

"Nothing hun" i told him while giggling along with the rest of the guys. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.


It was about thirty minutes later when every one was done eating, and i was sat on the counter doing the dishes, which wasn't very hard by the way, these guys lick their plates clean, literally! When i jumped off the counter, i heard someone walk up behind me. When they didn't say anything, i turned around only to find a toung shoved down my throat. They didn't ease up, so i punched whoever it was in the temple, it had to be one of the guys!

"Johnathan Seward! Whats wrong with you?"

This Life of Mine{a pam1997 story}{ON HOLD}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang